World Maritime Day 2023 [29th September]

By : Neha Dhyani

Updated : Mar 7, 2023, 12:46

Every year, the last Thursday of September is celebrated as World Maritime Day. This year, the occassion will be celebrated on 29 September 2022. The celebration of this global day is mainly observed by the International Maritime Organization, a United Nations agency specifically responsible for regulating worldwide shipping.

Through the celebration of World Maritime Day, the International Maritime Organization (IMO) seeks to draw the attention of the general public toward the following goals:

  • Maritime safety
  • Sustainable maritime practices for a greener environment
  • Fair working conditions for seafarers engaged in maritime shipping operations

World Maritime Day 2022 Theme

The World Maritime Day 2022 theme is “New Technologies for Greener Shipping”. This theme was set keeping in mind the need for ensuring more sustainable ways of conducting maritime activities. In the present world, climate change is a real challenge, and the maritime industry is responsible for contributing to a lot of environmental degradation.

This year, the focus of World Maritime Day is on advocating for a sustainable maritime sector. Besides that, the intention of the theme for the maritime day is also to start a conversation about bringing innovation and technology to this sector.


World Maritime Day


29 September 2022


New Technologies for Greener Shipping

Explanation of Theme

The theme focuses on starting a conversation about tackling the challenge of substituting unsustainable maritime practices with green shipping.

World Maritime Day Theme - Fitting into the United Nations SDGs

World Maritime Day is not an isolated annual event; the IMO fits the event with the broader vision of meeting the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). With set criteria in mind, the organization aims to not only spread awareness about sustainable maritime activities but to also bring real-time change. This year’s theme of the maritime day is linked to the following United Nations Sustainable Development Goals:

  • SDG 9 - Industry, innovation, and infrastructure
  • SDG 13 - Climate action
  • SDG 14 - Sustainable use of the oceans, seas, and marine resources
  • SDG 17 - Importance of partnerships and implementation to achieve these goals

World Maritime Day History and Significance

World Maritime Day history begins with the establishment of the IMO. In 1948, at the United Nations Geneva Convention, the International Maritime Organization was launched. It is an international regulatory body responsible for developing and maintaining a deft framework for shipping. IMO launched World Maritime Day on March 17, 1978, for the first time. After reconsidering the date of the event, the maritime day is now held on the last Thursday of September every year.

The prime objective of the IMCO or IMO remains to focus on issues related to the maritime industry's legal, environmental, safety, technical cooperation, and efficiency. Keeping all these in mind and to raise awareness about the same among the common global citizens, the organization officiated World Maritime Day.

Facts About World Maritime Day

There are many facts about Maritime day that global citizens know very little about. Maritime shipping may be a neglected sector, but this sector's importance is immense. Here are some facts about the maritime industry and World Maritime Day:

  • More than 80% of world trade occurs through international shipping.
  • Promotion of sustainable and green shipping practices is a priority of the IMO.
  • IMO seeks to promote the use of energy efficiency, new technology, and innovation in the maritime sector.
  • Maritime education and training, maritime security, and maritime traffic management are core priorities of the IMO to help improve the global maritime trade.
  • Development of the maritime infrastructure to make it more sustainable and green is the need of the hour.

World Maritime Day 2021

World Maritime Day 2021 was the year for seafarers who had been facing tremendous challenges owing to the COVID-19 pandemic. The core theme for this year was "Seafarers: At the Core of Shippings Future." The theme sought to enhance the visibility of maritime professionals and seafarers by drawing global attention to their invaluable role in maintaining global commerce. International Maritime Day 2021 was celebrated on September 30.

World Maritime Day 2022

International Maritime Day 2022 is scheduled to be held on September 29. Throughout this year, the IMO will try to bring into the spotlight various other issues related to the human element. These issues include the following:

  • Safety and security of lives on ships.
  • Importance of recruiting qualified and appropriately trained workforce
  • Finding a dedicated workforce, ready and eager to take on the challenges and opportunities of automation and digitization.

World Maritime Day theme for the year 2022 focuses on the urgency to support a greener and more sustainable transition of the maritime industry for future generations. Technology and innovation can ensure that no one is left behind and the maritime industry grows at an even pace. The agenda of World Maritime Day seeks to present an opportunity to have a more sustainable industry while rebuilding the sector into an eco-friendly one in the post-pandemic world.

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FAQs on World Maritime Day

Q.1) When is World Maritime Day held?

World Maritime Day is held every year on the last Thursday of September by the International Maritime Organization to spread awareness about the maritime industry and its challenges.

Q.2) What is the primary objective of International Maritime Day?

The prime objective of World Maritime Day remains to focus on issues related to the maritime industry's legal, environmental, safety, technical cooperation, and efficiency.

Q.3) What is the theme of International Maritime Day 2022?

The World Maritime Day theme 2022 focuses on the urgency to support a greener and more sustainable transition of the maritime industry for future generations while ensuring no one is left behind.

Q.4) How to celebrate World Maritime Day?

To celebrate World Maritime Day, you can visit the nearby coast in honor of the seafarers, without whom maritime shipping would not be possible. You can also read about and spread knowledge about maritime industry challenges.