Great East Asiatic Conference

By : Neha Dhyani

Updated : May 27, 2022, 10:23

The Great East Asiatic Conference addressed a few substantial issues to persuade members of Japan's commitments to the Pan-Asianism model. However, it was intended from the start as propaganda, which later highlighted Japan's role as a liberator of Asia from Western Imperialism.

Gen.Tojo Hideki (The Prime Minister of Japan) hosted the Great East Asiatic Conference along with leading politicians and various other component members across Asia in Tokyo.

Great East Asiatic Conference History

The Great East Asia Conference was held on the 5th and 6th November 1943 in Tokyo. The international summit was also referred to as the Tokyo Conference, hosted by leading politicians of Japan, including several component members of the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere.

Great East Asiatic Conference Participants

Six independent participants attended the Great East Asiatic Conference, including:

  • Empire of Japan
  • Provisional Government of Free India
  • Republic of China
  • Empire of Manchuria
  • Kingdom of Thailand
  • Republic of the Philippines
  • State of Burma

Purpose of The Great East Asiatic Conference

The Greater East Co-Prosperity Sphere was officially introduced in 1940 to emphasise Japan's concept of colonisation and Empire within Asia. The major purpose behind this conference was to control and utilize their resources against Western Colonization and manipulation. However, it failed miserably, only because Japan was incompetent in bolstering the mutual flourishment within the alliance.

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Japan's Plan for Asia

Japan intended to exclude Communist influence and European imperialism from the Far East while bagging a new order, which amounted to a self-contained empire from Dutch East Indies to Manchuria. The Dutch East Indies include the territories of Thailand, Malaya, China, and Indochina as satellite states.

Furthermore, Japan also used the conquered parts of Asia to meet the growing requirements for raw materials, including rubber, oil, and tin, and find a suitable market to sell its manufactured products.

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Great East Asiatic Conference - Political Arena

During World War II, in contrast with western allies, the Asian allies organized one conference in Tokyo in 1943. The conference did not serve as a true political summit; instead, it looked more like an instrument of propaganda, where no military representatives participated. Hence, this conference did not serve a military purpose.

Before the Great East Asiatic Conference, Japan also promised the return of western concessions to China and independence of nations including India, Indonesia, Burma, and the Philippines. The promise of Japan was vague even when Prime Minister Gen. Tojo Hideki reaffirmed all the promises made by him during the conference were being held along with the Pan-Asian goals. However, entire Asia got to know about Japan's leadership thinking in the corporation was secured in the conflict against western powers.

The principle of the establishment of World Peace, along with helping the nations of the world to strive for prosperity through mutual aid and assistance, was ensured after the Joint Declaration of the Greatest East Asiatic Conference was held. It was one of the greatest things that happened in history that provided every nation with its proper place.

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FAQs on Great East Asiatic Conference

Q1. When was the Great East Asiatic Conference Held?

The Great East Asia Conference, also called the Tokyo Conference, was held 79 years ago, on November 6, 1943. The conference was an international summit held in Tokyo. The countries that participated in this conference were the Greatest East Co-Prosperity Sphere members.

Q2. Why was the Greater East Co-Prosperity Sphere introduced before the Great East Asiatic Conference was held?

The Greater East Co-Prosperity Sphere was officially introduced in 1940 to emphasise Japan's concept of colonisation and Empire within Asia just before the Great East Asiatic Conference took place.

Q3. Why did Japan want to establish a New Order in East Asia?

Before the Great East Asiatic Conference took place, the Japanese military leaders compelled Chiang (Leader of the Nationalist Government of China) to join a New Order in East Asia for the countries including China, Japan, and Manchuria.

Japan was persistently trying to establish a new system of control in Asia, which they thought would help them make other Asian neighbours flourish. In addition, Japan wants to gain control over the rubber of Maylasia and the oil riches of Indonesia.

Q4. What was the New Order in Asia? Does it have anything to do with the Great East Asiatic Conference?

'Asia for the Asiatics' was the slogan used by the Japanese to conquer Southeast Asia. As soon as they overthrew Western Imperialism in Southeast Asia, the Japanese resources started depleting. Due to this, the people of Vietnam faced severe challenges and starvation since local Japanese authorities strenuously laid their claim on rice and shipped the majority of the quantity to Japan.

The New Order in East Asia was enunciated by the Japanese government to guide its Asian neighbours to prosperity. This was passed in 1933, 10 years before the Great East Asiatic Conference.