Great Barrier Reef

By : Neha Dhyani

Updated : May 27, 2022, 10:37

One of Earth's most iconic and diverse regions, the Great Barrier Reef is home to enormous living organisms. It is the largest structure ever built by living creatures. It is an exquisite and pivotal part of Australia's ecosystem and economy and comprises a massive variety of more than 1500 species of fish, 4000 types of mollusc, and a beautiful collection of coral reefs on the north coast of Australia.

What Can You Find In The Great Barrier Reef?

Corals that have been around for approximately 20 million years can be found here. 1/3rd of the world's corals are found in the Great Barrier Reef. That is, more than 400 corals can be found here. The living corals sit upon very old, dead creatures. Moreover, some

The island is also best-known for providing habitat to thousands of marine species, making it an astounding feat of mother nature. Some prehistoric animals, such as the alien-like nautilus, a distant cousin to the squid, still live here.

The Great Barrier Reef - Geography

The Great Barrier Reef is huge. It is bigger than the two Australian states, Victoria and Tasmania, and can be seen clearly from outer space. The reef hugs the coastline of the most pristine and oldest rainforest in the world; northern and southern wet tropics. These rainforests are home to prehistoric plants and the rarest creatures on Earth.

Great Barrier Reef Cities and Towns

Queensland is one of Australia's most exotic destinations. The coastal towns of Queensland are incredible to discover, including the places like Pallarenda, Townsville, Rowes Bay, Garbutt, Mysterton, and Pimlico. All these regions surround the Great Barrier Reef and are worth exploring. The centre of each city is 147 km from the Reef, which means you can take a halt in any of these cities if you visit the Reef with your friends and family.

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What Makes The Great Barrier Reef So Crucial?

It is much more than a colourful tourist attraction as it protects coastlines, purifies the water, and is home to more than 1500 species of fish, 30 species of dolphins, whales, and porpoises, 17 species of sea snakes, and six of the world's seven species of marine turtle.

Furthermore, the Reef is known best for absorbing carbon dioxide, supporting healthy fishing industries by maintaining the fishes' health, facilitating medical research & climate tracking, and generating ample wealth for Australia.

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Major Threat to the Great Barrier Reef

Grievously, the Reef is struggling with rising sea temperatures and water pollution. In addition, the rapid climate change is leaving the corals to bleach, which is one of the primary reasons for the death of many corals recently.

The tourists and divers disturb aquatic life by touching and damaging parts of the Reef, which is also a big concern.

Undubiously, the Great Barrier Reef is one of the seven wonders of the natural world and is Earth's most diverse marine ecosystem. Healthy coral reefs offer safe homes to fishes and nourish the food supply. So, come and visit this beautiful place, and discover magnificent nature.

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FAQs on the Great Barrier Reef

Q1. What are Corals? How many corals can be found in the Great Barrier Reef?

Tiny marine creatures, called polyps, form corals. These creatures have sac-like bodies with emerging tentacles and are nocturnal. The polyps survive due to their relationship with algae living alongside them. The light is absorbed by the algae, which subsequently feeds the coral. More than 600 types of corals (different shapes and sizes) are found in the Great Barrier Reef.

Q2. What Makes the Great Barrier Reef a complex natural ecosystem?

The Great Barrier Reef extends over 14 degrees of latitude and comprises a unique range of ecological communities, species, and habitats, making it a complex natural ecosystem.

Q3. What is the Great Barrier Reef?

The Great Barrier Reef is an extensive complex of shoals and coral reefs. It is located in the Pacific Ocean on the northeast coast of Australia. It is a massive coral reef system comprising more than 900 islands and 2900 individuals stretched over an area of 1,35,000 square miles along the coast of Queensland.

Q4. What will happen if the Great Barrier Reef disappears?

It is actually difficult to predict what will happen if the Great Barrier Reef disappears. However, if it does happen, it will have a huge impact on the climate, fishes, and other aquatic animals. Saving the Reef is very important if we want to combat global warming.