Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization [GAVI]

By : Neha Dhyani

Updated : May 9, 2022, 7:44

Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization [GAVI] has supported a new campaign to get COVID-19 vaccine doses for 92 low- and middle-income nations and economies, including India.

Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization [GAVI] - Overview

In 2016, Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization [GAVI] distributed more than half of all donor aid for health and most donor aid for vaccination. According to the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization [GAVI], over half of youngsters are vaccinated.

The Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization [GAVI] includes the WHO, UNICEF, the World Bank, the vaccine industry in developed and developing nations, and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. The Board, which includes members from various alliance partners and private-sector specialists, provides a venue for balanced, sound decisions, creativity, and partner engagement.

What is Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization [GAVI]?

Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization [GAVI] was founded in 2000 to provide infants in the world's poorest nations with equitable access to new and underutilised vaccinations. By concentrating on effectiveness, achievements, and results, Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization [GAVI] helps the United Nations achieve the Millennium Development Goals.

Its partners contribute funds for vaccinations and cognitive resources to help enhance healthcare. The partnership helps increase the health system's ability to administer vaccination and other medical services long-term, sustainable way.

Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization [GAVI] - Current Scenario

Early in the epidemic, it became evident that to avert a global catastrophe, we required not just COVID-19 vaccines but also to ensure that everyone on the planet had them. Governments, international health organisations, producers, scientists, the private sector, civic society, and charities collaborate to deliver innovative and equitable COVID-19 diagnosis, treatments, and immunisations.

The COVAX Advance Market Commitment (AMC) is part of the COVAX Facility, a mechanism sponsored by the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization [GAVI] that ensures that every country globally has access to COVID-19 vaccines quickly, fairly, and equally. COVAX possesses the world's most extensive and most diverse COVID-19 vaccines and, as a result, has the best chance of terminating the pandemic's acute phase swiftly.

☛ Also Read: Daily Current Affairs

Indian Stance on Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization [GAVI]

  • In 2014, India became the first effective implementation country to donate to Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization [GAVI], investing USD 4 million over four years between 2013 and 2016.
  • In 2018, India increased its investment in the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization [GAVI], committing USD 8 million over four years, from 2018 to 2022.
  • PM Modi had established himself as a leading proponent of vaccination in India and worldwide, helping India accelerate its efforts toward universal immunisation.

FAQs on Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization [GAVI]

Q.1. When was the Covax facility released under the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization [GAVI]?

Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization [GAVI] announced the COVID-19 Vaccines Advance Market Commitment (COVAX AMC) as the first building element of the COVAX Facility on June 4 at the Global Vaccine Summit.

Q.2. Who will be representing India at Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization [GAVI] Board?

The Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization [GAVI] has selected Union Health Minister Harsh Vardhan to serve on its Board of Directors. Dr Harsh Vardhan will serve on the GAVI Board as a representative of the South East Area Regional Office (SEARO)/ Western Pacific Regional Office (WPRO) constituency.

Q.3. Who recently organised a global Health summit in association with the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization [GAVI] board?

In the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, the UK-hosted Global Health Summit demonstrates an enormous dedication to fair vaccination coverage and international health assurance in an association with the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization [GAVI] board.

Q.4. How much is India's pledge to the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization [GAVI]?

PM Modi contributed USD 15 million towards the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization [GAVI] 2021-2025 initiative at the Global Vaccines Summit on June 4, 2020.

Q.5. Who are the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization [GAVI] members?

UNICEF holds permanent seats on the Board, WHO, the World Bank and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation are the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization [GAVI] members.