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Application Layer

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Question 1Multiple Correct Options

Consider 3 employees, Neil, Nitin, and Mukesh, using three different computers and working under Account-Network is serviced by a single mail server. Assume Neil wishes to send an email to Pooja, Nitin to Divya and Mukesh to Prakriti, where Pooja, Divya and Prakriti are working under HR Network. What are the worst case and best case number of TCP connections that should be opened to enable this email exchange if all the persons use a non-HTTP email service?

Question 2

Consider the following statements:

I. FTP uses control commands via a control connection on port 20 and a separate data connection on port 21.

II. In FTP, once the file is completely downloaded the control connection is closed.

Which of the following statements is correct?

Question 3

Consider the following statements about “World Wide Web”:

1) It is the universe of network-accessible information, a combination of resources and users on the internet.

2) The web was invented by Tim Berners–Lee.

3) It is based on three fundamental technologies HTML, URL and HTTP.

Which of the following statements are correct?

Question 4

Which of the following layer protocol are responsible for user and the application program support, such as passwords, resource sharing, file transfer and network management?

Question 5

Consider the following statements.

(a) TCP is connection-oriented protocol and UDP is connectionless protocol.

(b) SMTP work on Port number 25.

(c) FTP is stateless protocol while HTTP is stateful protocol.

(d) FTP is OUT OF BAND protocol while HTTP is IN BAND protocol.

The number of correct statement is ________?

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