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UPTET Level - 2 (Math/Science) Mini Mock Test: 18.04.2024

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Question 1

The stage in which the child looks self-centered is:

Question 2

Which of the following is not a purpose of making portfolio?

Question 3

Which of the following is not a learning theory?

Question 4

हिन्दी प्रदीप पत्रिका का सम्पादन किया है

Question 5

भाषा-अर्जन के संबंध में कौन-सा कथन अनुचित है?

Question 6

निम्न में से नरसिंह शब्द में समास हैं?

Question 7

Direction: Complete the following sentence with correct option:
Give the meaning of the following proverb
A golden key can open any door

Question 8

Fill in the blank :

‘The objection was met out __________ the lawyer’.

Question 9

Which one of the following words can be made plural by adding a suffix ren?

Question 10

If 40% of a money of A is equal to 2/3rd of money of B, what is the ratio of money of A to the money of B?

Question 11

The ratio of the ages of Ram, Shyam, Mohan is 2 : 3: 5. If the average of their ages is 100 years then what is the sum of ages of Shyam and Mohan?

Question 12

What is the least fraction which when subtracted from UP_TET_2011_paper_II_files\image043.png will make the result a whole number?

Question 13

Soaps are molecules of

Question 14

Plastics are made of

Question 15

Chemical formula of Plaster of Paris is
  • 141 attempts
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Apr 18CTET & State TET Exams