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Question 1
A system has 12 poles and 2 zeros. Its high frequency asymptote in its magnitude plot will have a slope of
Question 2
A second order system has
Its frequency response will have maximum value at the frequency
Question 3
The overall transfer function of a control system is given by
The resonant peak is:
Question 4
Transfer function of a system is G(s) =
. What is the order of the system?

Question 5
An open loop system is converted into a closed loop system using negative feedback. The feedback path has unity gain. As compared to the open loop system, the closed loop system has the following property:
Question 6
The impulse response of linear line invariant system is given as
G (t) = 4e–4t, t > 0
The transfer function of the system is
Question 7
If the Gain of the open loop system is doubled, the gain margin
Question 8
For a closed loop system to be stable the gain crossover frequency (ωgc) and phase crossover frequency (ωpc) will be related as-
Question 9
The steady error due to a step input for type-1 system is:
Question 10
The roots of a closed loop characteristic equation for the system shown are?
- 60 attempts
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AE & JE ExamsSep 15AE & JE Exams