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Transient Analysis Achievers Practice
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Question 1
Time constant is ____ sec for circuit having C = 1F, R = 3 Ω and current source of 3A
Question 2
For the below given electrical network, the switch S1 is closed at t = -2 sec. Calculate I1 at t = – 1.5 sec given that u(t) is the unit step signal.
Question 3
Consider the following circuit
The value of at t = 0+ will be _______
Question 4
For t <0 consider the circuit 1.
Fig: Circuit 1
At t = 0, The current suddenly drops to 0A.
If t1 is the time in μsec, that makes
: Where Vc (0) = capacitor voltage at initial condition.
The value of t1 in μ sec is ___
Question 5
Initially, when the switch in a series RL circuit is closed, the inductor acts as?
Question 6
The switch was in position 1 for long time and it is moved to position 2 at t = 0, then value of
at t = 0+

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