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Survey_APPSC CE Quiz-4
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Question 1
If the contour interval and contour gradient of a contour map plotted over an undulated terrain are 10m and 1 in 100, then the horizontal equivalent is :
Question 2
Statement (I): A series of closed contour lines on the map indicates a valley, if the higher values are outside.
Statement (II): When contour lines are close together, it indicates a flat ground.
Question 3
Statement (I): The contour interval depends upon the nature of the ground whether it is undulating or flat.
Statement (II): In hilly terrain or undulating ground a smaller interval is adopted, otherwise the contours will come too close for plotting.
Question 4
Consider the following characteristics of contours:
1) A uniform slope is indicated when contour lines are uniformly spaced.
2) Contour lines cannot end anywhere but can close on themselves.
3) A set of closed contours indicates a depression or a summit, according to the lower or higher values being respectively inward.
Which of the above statements are correct?
1) A uniform slope is indicated when contour lines are uniformly spaced.
2) Contour lines cannot end anywhere but can close on themselves.
3) A set of closed contours indicates a depression or a summit, according to the lower or higher values being respectively inward.
Which of the above statements are correct?
Question 5
A square area (on the surface on the earth) with side 100 m and uniform height, appears as on a vertical aerial photograph. The topographic map shows that a contour of 650 m passes through the area. If focal length of the camera lens is 150 mm, the height from which the aerial photograph was taken, is
Question 6
To determine area of a narrow tract of land offsets are taken at regular interval from the base line and average of all ordinate is multiplied by the length of base line. This method of computation of area is called
Question 7
Volume of an embankment having depth 50 m is to be calculated using End Area method. For this, area at top, bottom and middle of embankment is found to be 32 m2, 84 m2 and 68 m2 respectively.
Volume of embankment is
Question 8
The expression for the total volume of earthwork for an embankment using Simpson’s one third rule, if and are the areas at n sections at an interval of h is _________.
Question 9
The method of computing areas by subdividing a plot into triangles is suitable for
Question 10
The cross section areas of three sections of an embankment at an interval of 40 m are 10 square metres, 15 square metres and 35 square metres.
Calculate the quantity of earthwork for the embankment. Use prismoidal method.
Calculate the quantity of earthwork for the embankment. Use prismoidal method.
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