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Strength of Material Booster Quiz-4
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Question 1
Hook’s law holds good upto
Question 2
In the conjugate beam method, the fixed support in actual beam is considered as _____ support in the conjugate beam.
Question 3
If the temperature of a rod of length L is increased by T°C, whose coefficient of linear expansion is
and Young’s modulus is E, then free expansion of the rod due to increase in temperature is given by which of the following expressions?

Question 4
Maximum deflection at the mid-span of a simply-supported beam of span l, with uniformly distributed load (w) all over the beam span, and flexural rigidity EI, is (modulus of elasticity = E; moment of inertia of beam = I)
Question 5
The beam AC simply supported at A at C is pinned to a cantilever beam CD as shown in figure. Both beams have identical flexural rigidities EI. The vertical load of 8 kN acts at point B . The deflection of point B is:
Question 6
A propped cantilever is subjected to a concentrated load of 16 kN at the centre of the span. The length of beam is 4m. The flexural rigidity EI=4x102 kNm2. The reactions at the fixed end and simply supported end are:
Question 7
A steel bar ABC of uniform cross-section 100 mm2 is suspended vertically and loaded as shown in the figure. If the lower end of bar C does not move when loads are applied (neglect self-weight), then the value of force P is (Es=200 kN/mm2)
Question 8
If E is young’ modulus and I is moment of inertia, then the expression
at any section for a beam is equal to

Question 9
The bending moment diagram for the case shown in figure below will be as shown in figure.
Question 10
A circular shaft of diameter ‘D’ is made of a material for which Young’s Modulus of Elasticity is ‘E’ and Poisson’s Ratio is ‘v’. The ratio of flexural rigidity to torsional rigidity for the shaft is
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AE & JE ExamsAug 17AE & JE Exams