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SSC_JE_CE_Environmental Engineering Booster Quiz-8

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Question 1

For a grit channel, if the recommended flow velocity is 0.25 m/s and the detention period is 1 minute, then length of the tank is:

Question 2

Calculate the maximum rate of effluent application in the dispersion trench where the percolation test carried out at site takes 4 minutes?

Question 3

If for diluting 25 ml of water sample in 175 ml of taste free water is required to be added to make the water sample to just loose its taste, then the flavor threshold number (FTN) will be

Question 4

If for diluting 25 ml of water sample 175 ml of taste free water is required to be added to make the water sample to just loose its taste, then the threshold odour number (TON) will be:

Question 5

An activated sludge plant treating a flow of 25 litre/sec has an aeration basin volume of 450 m3 and operates with a MLVSS concentration of 3250 mg/l. Sludge with a SVSS content of 15000 mg/l is wasted at a rate of 35 m3/day. Calculate the sludge age?

Question 6

The slope of a 1 m diameter concrete sewer laid at a slope of 1 in 1000, develops a velocity of 1 m/s when flowing full. When it is flowing half full, the velocity of flow through the sewer will be:

Question 7

Two electronic precipitators (ESPs) are in series. The fractional efficiencies of the upstream and downstream ESPs for size dp are 80% and 65% respectively. What is the overall efficiency of the system for the same dp?

Question 8

The following data pertain to a waste water sample

Initial Dissolved oxygen = 10 mg/l

Final Dissolved oxygen = 3 mg/l

Dilution = 2 %

The Biochemical oxygen demand of the given wastewater sample is:

Question 9

A primary sludge having volume of 14 m3 and moisture content of 94 % was dewatered to have a solid content of 16 %. What is the final volume?

Question 10

An ideal settling basin has a plan area of 100 m2. If a flow of 2400 m3/day has passed through the basin, then for removing the discrete particle completely from the basin, the terminal settling velocity is nearly:
  • 267 attempts
Oct 3AE & JE Exams