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SSC JE EE: Electrical and Electric Instrumentation Booster Quiz-9
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Question 1
Which one of the following statements is not correct for electrodynamometer type instrument?
Question 2
The arms of a four-arm bridge a b c d, supplied with sinusoidal voltage, have the following values :
Arm ab : A resistance of 200Ω in parallel with a capacitance of 1 μF
Arm bc : 400 Ω resistance
Arm cd : 1000 Ω resistance
Arm da : A resistance R2 in series with a 2 μF capacitance
What are the values of R2 and the frequency respectively at which the bridge will balance?
Question 3
Which one of the following is not a self-generating type of transducer?
Question 4
The approximate pressure range for ionization gauge measuring device is
Question 5
A half-wave rectifier type a.c. voltmeter is with a 20 V rms signal What is the equivalent d.c. output voltage?
Question 6
Consider the following statements.
1). EMMC measures both AC and DC current and voltage.
2). EMMC type Ammeter consists 2 fixed coils.
3). In EMMC, spring provides controlling torque.
Which of the above statements is/are correct?
Question 7
digit voltmeter is used to measure the voltage value of 0.3861 V on a 1 V range. It would be displayed in the panel as

Question 8
For measurement of power using two wattmeter method, the reading of the two wattmeters 18 kW and –9 kW. Find the power factor if the second wattmeter connections are reversed.
Question 9
Under which of the following configurations, it is possible to measure total 3-
reactive power using a single wattmeter?

Question 10
Match the following lists:
- 88 attempts
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AE & JE ExamsDec 6AE & JE Exams