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AE & JE E QuizE: Electrical and Electronic Instrumentation Booster Quiz-3

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Question 1

Which of the following AC bridge used for measurement of dielectric loss in capacitor ?

Question 2

Which of the following is used to measure value of quality factor between 1 and 10?

Question 3

The technique of adding a precise amount of time between the trigger point and the beginning of the scope sweep in a CRO is known as

Question 4

Multimeter can measure -

1. Voltage

2. Current

3. Resistance

Question 5

_________ is NOT a type of passive transducer.

Question 6

Copper shading is provided in energy meter to

Question 7

In which of the following transforms, is the secondary winding always kept closed ?

Question 8

In a CRO, a sinusoidal waveform of a certain frequency is displayed. The value of the quantity that can be made out by observation is

Question 9

Systematic errors in bourdon tube pressure gauge may be caused by

Question 10

In a Cathode Ray Tube, the focusing anode is located
  • 154 attempts
  • 1 upvote
Nov 28AE & JE Exams