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SSC JE EE Quiz: Basic Electrical and Network Theory Booster Quiz -10

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Question 1

An ideal constant current source is connected in series with an ideal constant voltage source. Considering both together the combination will be a?

Question 2

Following four resistances are connected in parallel to a DC voltage source (given in options); the largest power is dissipated by

Question 3

Equivalent reactance of circuit shown is

Question 4

What is the value of VR in given circuit?

Question 5

Find i(0+) and i(∞ ) in the given circuit.

Question 6

Consider in fig. below, determine the power dissipate in 5 Ω resistor.

i(t) = 2 + 5 sin2t

Question 7

The time rate of change of a voltage applied across a capacitor is 2 V/s. This means that the current flowing through the capacitor is

Question 8

In a RLC series circuit, Vs = 10 Sin 2t and R = 2Ω, L= 0.1 H. Calculate the value of C so that the current I is in phase with Vs.

Question 9

What is the dynamic Impedance offered by Ideal tank circuit in a network?

Question 10

For a given inductor, the value of the inductance is ‘L’, the number of turns is ‘N’, relative permeability (μr) is ‘1’, the area of cross-section is ‘A’ and the length of core is ‘l’, if the inductor is immersed in a liquid having μr = 0.25, then the value of the new inductance will be
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Oct 29AE & JE Exams