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RVUNL ME || Heat-Transfer || Quiz 3

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Question 1

The peak wavelength of radiation emitted by a black body at a temperature of 2000 K is 1.45 μm. If the peak wavelength of emitted radiation changes to 2.90 μm, then the temperature (in K) of the black body is___.

Question 2

For a glass plate transmissivity and reflectivity are specified as 0.76 and 0.08 respectively, the absorptivity of the glass plate is ___________.

Question 3

The temperature of solid surface changes from 27 °C to 627 °C. The emissive power changes would then confirm to the ratio ________.

Question 4

The number of radiation shield screens in case of radiation heat transfer to reduce the radiation heat exchange by 80% is __________.

Question 5

For a diffused body, emissivity is given as 0.5 and emissive power of the black body is given as 20W/m2. Calculate the intensity of radiation of body? (in W/m2)

Question 6

Two spheres A and B of same material have radius 1 m and 4 m, and temperatures 4000 K and 2000 K respectively. Then the energy radiated by sphere A is
  • 207 attempts
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