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RVUNL EE Electrical & Electronic Measurements Quiz 1
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Question 1
When measuring power in a circuit with high current
Question 2
The uncertainty in an ammeter is 0.1A and the uncertainty in measurement of power is 30 watts. If the reading of ammeter is 8A and the calculated power is 1200 watt then what will be the uncertainty in voltmeter reading? (Assume ammeter-voltmeter method is used for measurement of power)
Question 3
The error due to hysteresis loss can be minimized by voltmeter/ammeter
1) Making the iron parts small.
2) To meet the iron parts at low value of flux density
3) Using alloy like nickel.
Which of the following statements are correct?
Question 4
If in the given figure, the time constant of both the coil is same, then the ratio of R/Rs is,
Question 5
Three 100 V full scale PMMC DC voltmeter have figure of merit 3 KΩ/V, 6 KΩ/V and 9 KΩ/V respectively. The series combination of these voltmeter can measure a maximum a DC voltage equal to
Question 6
A moving-coil voltmeter has a resistance of 80 Ω. The scale is divided into 120 equal divisions. When a potential difference of 0.8 V is applied to the terminals of the voltmeter a deflection of 80 divisions is obtained. Explain how the instrument could be used for measuring up to 220 V.
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AE & JE ExamsJun 10AE & JE Exams