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RRB JE 2019 | Day 62 | GS + Quant Revision Quiz 2

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Question 1

A hemispherical bowl of internal radius 15 cm contains a liquid. The liquid is to be filled into cylindrical shaped bottles of diameter 5 cm and height 8 cm. The number of bottles required to empty the bowl is

Question 2

Marked price of an item is Rs 200. On purchase of 1 item discount is 22%, on purchase of 4 items discount is 33%. Rabia buys 5 items, what is the effective discount?

Question 3

The average of seven consecutive positive integers is 26. The smallest of these integers is:

Question 4

The distance between the centres of two equal circles each of radius 3 cm is 10 cm. The length of a transverse tangent is

Question 5

If x2 + y2 – 4x – 4y + 8 = 0, then the value of x - y is

Question 6

Two trains start from station A and B and travel towards each other at speeds of 16 miles/hour and 21 miles/hour respectively. At the time of their meeting, the second train has travelled 60 miles more than the first. The distance between A and B (in miles) is:

Question 7

By selling a fan for ₹600, a man loses 10%. To make a gain of 20%, the selling price of the fan should be

Question 8

Find the value of:

Question 9

White clothes are cooler than black ones because they

Question 10

Which of the following scale is used for measuring intensity of earthquake?

Question 11

Who was the first person to ‘walk’ in space?

Question 12

Sodium Carbonate is commonly known as

Question 13

In which type of thermometer two different types of metal wires are joined together at two junctions?

Question 14

Unit of impedance is _______.

Question 15

Soap helps in better cleaning of clothes because
  • 1042 attempts