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Question 1
One statement is given followed by two Assumptions, I and II. You have to consider the statement to be true, even if it seems to be at variance from commonly known facts. You are to decide which of the given assumptions can definitely be drawn from the given statement. Indicate your answer.
Statements: All the people in Kerala are literate.
Assumption I: People of Kerala are well educated and cultured.
Assumption II: People of Kerala are hardworking and sincere.
Assumption I: People of Kerala are well educated and cultured.
Assumption II: People of Kerala are hardworking and sincere.
Question 2
If the following pattern is drawn in a transparent square sheet and folded along the dotted lines, how does it appear?
Question figure :

Answers figure:

Question figure :

Answers figure:

Question 3
In the following questions, a series is given, with one term missing. Choose the correct alternative from the given ones that will complete the series.
3, 9, 6, 36, 30, ?
3, 9, 6, 36, 30, ?
Question 4
In the following question, select the one which is different from the other three responses.
Question 5
Identify the diagram that best represents the relationship among the given classes.
Computer hardware, Monitor, Keyboard, Operating system
Computer hardware, Monitor, Keyboard, Operating system
Question 6
In the following question, select the odd word from the given alternatives.
Question 7
Which one set of letters when sequentially placed at the gaps in the given letter series shall complete it?
9, 16, 25, 36, ___ , 64
9, 16, 25, 36, ___ , 64
Question 8
A demand curve will shift
Question 9
The time element in price analysis was introduced by
Question 10
“Take of stage” in an economy means
Question 11
Taxes are as certain as the death, because
Question 12
Under perfect competition, the industry does not have any excess capacity because each firm produces at the minimum point on its
Question 13
In which market structure is the demand curve of the market represented by the demand curve of the firm ?
Question 14
Which among the following statements is not true when there is an increase in interest rate in an economy?
Question 15
What is the maximum income allowed under the EWS reservation?
- 1433 attempts
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