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RRB JE 2019 | Day 37 | Reasoning [Circular Sitting Arrangement] Quiz 25

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Question 1

Directions: Study the following information and answer:

Eight persons A, B, C, D, E, F, G & H are sitting around a circle facing towards the center. There are three generations in the family and three married couples.
(I) B and G have two children. E, the husband of A is sitting to her immediate right and their only child, who is sitting exactly opposite to A.
(II) A’s brother is sitting 2nd to her left, who is sitting immediate right to his father.
(III) D’s wife H is sitting to her immediate right. F & B are sitting together. B is an immediate neighbor of E. D is the father of F.
Who is the child of A?

Question 2

Direction: Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions.

Google, Apple, HP, Samsung, TCS, Amazon, Sony and Facebook are eight companies and the heads of the eight companies are A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H, who are sitting around a circular table facing the centre, but not necessarily in the same order.

F sits second to the right of the person who is the head of Samsung. The head of Sony is an immediate neighbour of the head of Samsung. Two persons sit between the head of Sony and B. C and E are immediate neighbours. Neither C nor E are immediate neighbours of either B or the head of Samsung. The head of the HP sits second to the right of D, who is the head neither of Samsung nor of Sony. G and the head of Google are immediate neighbours. B is not the head of Google. Only one person sits between C and the head of Apple. H sits third to the left of head of the Facebook. The head of Amazon sits second to the left of the head of TCS. The head of the HP sits on immediate left of the head of Samsung and second to the right of the head of Apple.
Who among the following is the head of Apple?

Question 3

Direction: Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:

Eight friends A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are going to visit eight different countries viz—China, India, France, Russia, Canada, Australia, US and Japan. They are sitting around a circle facing outward the centre but not necessarily in the same order.

F sits second to the left of the one who is going to Russia. The one who is going to US is an immediate neighbour of the one who is going to Russia. Two persons sit between the one who is going to US and B. C and E are immediate neighbours of each other. Neither C nor E is an immediate neighbour of either B or the one who is going to Russia. The one who is going to France sits second to the left of D, who is going to India. G and the one who is going to China are immediate neighbours of each other. B is not going to China. Only one person sits between C and D. H sits third to the right of the one who is going to Japan. The one who is going to Australia sits second to the right of the one who is going to Canada.
Four of the following five are alike in a certain way based on the given seating arrangements and thus form a group. Which is the one that does not belong to that group?

Question 4

Direction: Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:

M, N, O, P, Q, R, S and T are eight friends sitting around a circular table. Six of them are facing the centre. All of them have a different hobby viz— Dancing, Singing, Cooking, Story Writing, Watching Movie, Jogging, playing cricket and Reading Novel, but not necessarily in the same order. O is an immediate neighbour of P. The person who is opposite N is facing outside and N is the immediate neighbour of the person his hobby is Story Writing. T sits third to the right of Q and his hobby is Playing cricket. M and T are not the neighbours of the person whom hobby is Jogging. R’s hobby is not cooking or Story Writing. The person whom hobby is Reading Novel is sitting opposite Q. The one whom hobby is Story Writing, sits immediate right of N. P and S are immediate neighbours of N, whom hobby is Watching Movie. S sits third to the right of M and his hobby is Dancing. P sits third to the left of M.
Whom hobby is jogging?

Question 5

Direction: Study the following information and answer the given questions.

A, B, C, D, E, F and G are sitting around a circular table facing the centre. Each of them likes a different flower i.e. – Rose, Marigold, Hibiscus, Lotus, Lily, Jasmine & Daffodil. Find out the correct seating arrangement along with the flower each one carries with the help of below given queries.
1) G is second to the left of C, who is on the immediate left of F; and C likes Jasmine
2) Person liking rose & lotus do not sit side by side
3) A is third to the left of E, who likes rose
4) Persons who love 2 flowers which have same initials sit side by side
5) B is between D & E and loves marigold
6) E is sandwiched between Daffodil and marigold. 
7) D loves a red coloured flower but not rose
Who sits between G and B?

Question 6

Direction: Study the information given below and answer the questions based on it.
Six captains G, H, I, J, K and L of 6 different teams U, V, W, X, Y and Z are sitting around a circular table facing to the centre. The difference between each of one is same. They all have of different ages 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, and 36.
1. I is seated second to the right of the captain of team X. The one whose age is not 36 is I.
2. The captain whose age is 33 is seated second to the left of the captain of team Z, which is not the team of G or I.
3. H is seated opposite to the captain of team Y, whose age is 32.
4. There is only one captain between the captain of team Z and Y but he is not U. Y sits to the right of Z.
5. The captain whose age is 34 is seated second to the right of G.
6. The captain whose age is 35 is not seated near to one whose age is 32.
7. L is seated immediate left of the captain of team W but not near to G.
8. The captain of team U is not seated near to the captain of team V but immediate right of J.
Who is sitting opposite to the captain of team V?

Question 7

Direction: Study the information given below and answer the questions based on it.

12 people A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, P, Q, R, S sitting around a square table, 6 sitting at the inner edge and 6 at the outer edge. Out of 6 at each edge, 2 should be at each longer side and 1 at each shorter side. They should be facing each other. A is the largest member in the family. A is sitting second to the right of B at inner edge. Only two persons are shorter than P. P is sitting at one of the shorter sides of outer edge. R is bigger than P and sit second to the left of P. Only two members are bigger than S. He is sitting just opposite side of P. E’s age is twice the age of R. He is sitting one of the shorter sides of inner edge. R’s age is 24 years. G and H both are the shortest than others but G is bigger than H. G is sitting third to the right of P and H is sitting second to the left of E. C is the second largest member of the family. D is the shorter than S and bigger than E. Q and F are the immediate neighbours and both are sitting at the longer side of outer edge. Q is the immediate left G. F is shorter than Q. Q and F both are shorter than R. C is sitting immediate right of A and D is sitting second to the left of F. B’s age is 35 years.
Who is the Fourth largest member in the family?

Question 8

Direction: Study the information given below and answer the questions based on it.

Eight friends - A, B, C, D, E, F, G, and H - are sitting around a circular table, but not necessarily in the same order, four of them are facing inside and the other four are facing outside. All eight friends like different colours – Green, Red, Yellow, Orange, Violet, Blue, Black, and White but not necessarily in the same order.

A likes Violet. F is sitting to the third right of the person who likes Black. D likes Yellow and faces the person who likes Blue. G sits third to the right of B, who likes Green. E is sitting between the person who likes Yellow and the one who likes White respectively. H is the immediate neighbour of the persons who like Violet and Blue. C likes Red. The person who likes Black is facing the same direction as the person who likes Orange. E is on the immediate left of D. No two persons facing same direction sit adjacent to each other.
Who among the following likes Blue colour?

Question 9

Direction: Study the information given below and answer the questions based on it.

Eight members of a family Roshni, Rohini, Rupika, Rupali, Rohan, Rohit, Roshan and Ravish are sitting around a circular table, some of them facing towards the centre while others facing opposite to the centre. There are three married couples in the family. No two members with the same gender are sitting together.

Rupika, who is daughter-in-law of Rohan sits opposite to Rohan’s wife. Roshni is not the mother of Roshan who is facing opposite direction to Ravish. Ravish is the father of Roshan. Rohini is the only child of Rohit and sits third to the right of her father, who is facing opposite to the centre. Roshni and her brother are immediate neighbors of each other and both of them are facing opposite directions. Rohan is facing same direction as Ravish. Roshni sits third to the left of Ravish’s father. Roshan’s aunt sits second to the right of Roshan’s mother and both of them face towards the centre. Roshan sits immediate right of his grandmother and third to the left of his mother. Rohini, who is the granddaughter of Rupali, sits second to her right and both of them face opposite directions.
Four of the following are alike in a certain way and so form a group. Which of the following is different from the group?

Question 10

Direction: Study the information given below and answer the questions based on it.

There are 6 men, Ajeet, Akash, Amit, Abhi, Ankit, Aryan sitting around a circular table in a conference hall. Each one belongs to a different profession, i.e. Actor, Businessman, Dentist, Painter, Lawyer, Engineer not necessarily in the same order. All of them are from different cities, Bangalore, Delhi, Indore, Odissa, Mumbai, Haryana not in the same order.

•Amit is neither from Bangalore nor on the immediate left of the person who is a Lawyer. Amit is not a lawyer.
•The Actor, Lawyer and Painter are neither from Bangalore nor from Indore.
•The person who is from Odissa and the one who is from Delhi is neither an Actor nor a Lawyer by profession.
•Ajeet is a businessman and he is from Odissa. He is facing the Dentist.
•The dentist is an immediate neighbour of Ankit and Aryan. The person who is on the left side of the person who is from Bangalore is not an Engineer.
•The Actor is seated opposite to the person who is from Haryana and the person who is from Odissa is on the immediate left of Painter.
•The Engineer is on the immediate right of the person, who is from Bangalore and on the immediate left of the person, who is a Lawyer.
•Akash is not a Lawyer, while Aryan is not an Actor.
Who sits opposite to the person who is 2nd to the left of the person who is Painter?
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