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RCC Design Booster Quiz-8

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Question 1

 Recommended value of strength of concrete for prestressed member is _______.

Question 2

For a circular slab carrying a uniformly distributed load, the ratio of the maximum negative to maximum positive radial moment is

Question 3

Which of the following statements is true?
A) Most of the loads applied to building are environmental load.
B) Most of the loads are dead followed by live loads.

Question 4

For a ribbed slab

Question 5

If W is the uniformly distributed load on a circular slab of radius R fixed at its ends, the maximum positive radial moment at its center is

Question 6

For simply supported beams, the maximum permitted deflection is

Question 7

An intermediate T-beam reinforced with two layers of tensile steel with clear cover 13 cm encasted with the floor of a hall 12 meters by 7 meters, is spaced at 3 meters from adjoining beams and if the width of the beam is 20 cm, the breadth of the flange is

Question 8

What will be the slenderness limit to ensure lateral stability in a cantilever beam if the width of compression face midway between the lateral restraints is 200 mm and the effective depth of beam is 400 mm?

Question 9

A reinforced concrete column of square cross section i.e. 400x400 mm2 has factored load of 600 kN that can be applied safely. If the factored moment from a column – moment interaction diagram is 360 kNm, then maximum uniaxial eccentricity at which the factored load can be applied safely is

Question 10

In a rectangular column effective depth of column having both ends fixed is 250 m and width of the column is 250 mm. If the overall depth of the column is 350 mm, then the maximum area of compression reinforcement is
  • 156 attempts
Sep 10AE & JE Exams