The general electronic configuration of s-block elements is ns(1-2), p-block elements is ns2np1-6, d-block elements is (n - 1)d(1-10) ns(1-2) and f-block elements is (n - 2)f0-14 (n - 1)d(0-10) ns2. The electronic configuration is the distribution of electrons in atom orbitals using fundamental concepts like the Aufbau and Pauli exclusion laws.
s-block elements
● The general electronic configuration of s- the block element is ns(1-2).
● The periodic table's left-hand corner contains the s-block elements, which have outside electrons in s-orbitals.
● S-block elements are the members of groups 1 and 2.
p-block elements
● The general electronic configuration of p-block elements is ns2np1-6.
● The outer electrons of the p-block elements, which are located in the periodic table's right-hand corner, are in p-orbitals.
● P-block components are part of groups 13–18.
d-block elements
● The general electronic configuration of d - the block element is (n - 1)d(1-10) ns(1-2)
● The center of the periodic table is occupied by the d-block elements, which have outer electrons in d-orbitals.
● D-block components make up a group in the center.
f-block elements
● The general electronic configuration of the f-block element is (n - 2)f0-14 (n - 1)d(0-10) ns2
● The bottom row of the periodic table contains the f-block elements, which have outside electrons in f-orbitals.
● The periodic table's bottom row includes these elements.
Write the general electronic configuration of s, p, d, and f block elements.
The general electronic configuration of s-block elements is ns(1-2), p-block elements is ns2np1-6, d-block elements is (n - 1)d(1-10) ns(1-2) and f-block elements is (n - 2)f0-14 (n - 1)d(0-10) ns2. It is the electron distribution in the orbital of the same atoms with the help of principles like the Aufbau and Pauli exclusion principle.