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Pre Mock Scholarship Test

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Question 1

A coal merchant makes a profit of 20% by selling coal at Rs. 25 per quintal. If he sells the coal at Rs. 22.50 per quintal, what is his profit percent on the whole investment?

Question 2

The average score of a cricketer in three matches is 22 runs and in two other matches it is 17 runs. Find the average in all the five matches.

Question 3

A ZOO keeper counted the heads of the animals in a ZOO and found it is 60. When he counted the legs of the animals, he found it is 200.

If the ZOO had either peacock (or) tigers, then how many tigers were there in the ZOO?

Question 4

Stress is a common cause of high blood pressure. By calming their minds and thereby reducing stress, some people can lower their blood pressure. And most people can calm their minds, in turn, by engaging in exercise.

Which one of the following is most strongly supported by the information above?

Question 5

One of the eigen vector of the matrix is __________.

Question 6

The given eigen values of the following matrix are represented by and  

The value of is ___.

Question 7

The value of integral where C is the circle |z| = 1, will be_________.

Question 8

Given an analytic function f(z) = ϕ(x, y) + i(x, y). 
ϕ(x, y) =x2+4x–y2+2y. If c is a constant, which of the following relation is true?

Question 9

A continuous random variable X has a probability density function f(x) = e–x, 0 < x < ∞. Then P{X > 1} is

Question 10

For the function f(x) = xex, the
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