CSIR NET Chemical Science Test Series 2022: Free Online Mock Test

CSIR NET Chemical Science Test Series 2022: Free Online Mock Test

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Attempt CSIR NET Chemical Science Mock Test 2022 free for Chemical Science. Practice with NTA CSIR NET Online Test Series for a better score in the exam.

  • Based on latest exam pattern
  • Hindi & english
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Practicing the CSIR NET Chemical Science test series before the exam benefits the final exam. Candidates must practice as many papers before the exam to familiarize themselves with the latest pattern and syllabus. Mock tests act like study material that tests your knowledge related to the topics. You get a clear idea of your preparation level. You practice a vast number of questions from the subjects in one place. The level of the questions is similar to the CSIR NET Chemical Science exam. Regularly practicing the CSIR NET Chemical Science mock tests will improve your speed and accuracy for the exam. The CSIR NET Chemical Science test series consists of 75 questions. All CSIR NET Chemical Science mock test series are designed around the latest exam pattern & syllabus. Candidates can attempt the CSIR NET Chemical Science test series bilingually, i.e., in English and Hindi. The online CSIR NET Chemical Science test series are easily accessible on mobiles and laptops. Candidates can also attempt a free CSIR NET Chemical Science mock test to check their knowledge and improve their preparation.

CSIR NET Chemical Science Mock Test Series 2022 | Exam Overview

CSIR NET is conducted twice a year by the National Testing Agency (NTA) for various science subjects. By qualifying for the CSIR NET Chemical Science exam, you join as a lecturer of chemical science. Candidates who want to do research work in chemical science must clear the CSIR NET Chemical Science exam. It is one of the most competitive exams taken by thousands of science candidates annually. The exam is conducted in online mode. Candidates have a great opportunity of clearing the CSIR NET Chemical Science exam by attempting the mock tests. Candidates must attempt the exam as it is the last attempt to qualify it. You should not leave any stone unturned. To help you prepare, we have provided the best CSIR NET Chemical Science Test series. Candidates can examine their CSIR NET Chemistry preparation and check the improvement by taking the CSIR NET Chemical Science Mock test series.

CSIR NET Chemical Science Mock Test Schedule

Candidates can check the detailed CSIR NET Chemical Science test series schedule so that the candidates miss no mock test.

CSIR NET Mock Test DateCSIR NET Mock Test Name
August 09, 2022GOC and Aromaticity
August 10, 2022Chemical Bonding and Periodicity
August 11, 2022Quantum Chemistry and Atomic Structure
August 12, 2022Stereochemistry
August 13, 2022Main Group Elements
August 17, 2022ChemicalThermodynamics and Statistical Thermodynamics
August 18, 2022Reaction Mechanism and Intermediates
August 19, 2022Coordination Chemistry
August 20, 2022Chemical Kinetics and Radioactivity and Photochemistry
August 23, 2022Reagents
August 24, 2022Organometallics
August 25, 2022Electrochemistry and Conductance
August 26, 2022Named Reactions and Heterocyclic Chemistry
August 27, 2022Bioinorganic
August 30, 2022Molecular Spectroscopy
August 30, 2022Pericyclic and Photochemistry
September 01, 2022Inorganic Spectroscopy
September 02, 2022Group Theory
September 03, 2022Organic Spectroscopy
September 06, 2022Acid-base, Nuclear, and Analytical
September 07, 2022Surface Chemistry and Adsorption and Polymers
September 08, 2022Natural Products
September 09, 2022Transition and Inner transition elements
September 10, 2022Solid State, Solutions, and Gaseous State
September 13, 2022Equilibrium

CSIR NET Chemical Science Mock Test Series 2022 Key Features

Check the important features of CSIR NET Chemical Science mock tests that differentiate them from the other test series. This will help you decide to buy the BEP test series.

  • On mobiles and PCs, you can attempt the CSIR NET Chemical Science Mock Tests 2022.
  • BYJUs Exam Prep experts create these CSIR NET Chemical Science Test Series 2022.
  • Candidates can attempt both the CSIR NET Chemical Science mock test series in Hindi and English.
  • CSIR NET Chemical Science online test series 2022 are on the latest exam pattern and question trend.

Buy CSIR NET Chemical Science Mock Test Series 2022

Increase your chances of clearing the CSIR NET for Chemical Science syllabus by regularly attempting the CSIR NET Chemical Science mock tests. Attempt the best practice paper to achieve the dream of joining as an Assistant Professor or Junior Research Fellow in one of the renowned universities of India. Add the Chemical Science online Mock tests to your study material to get the desired result in the exam.
You get the best resource to revise and learn new concepts, understand your current level of preparation, and enhance your preparation to the next level for the exam through CSIR NET Chemical Science questions papers

Benefits of taking CSIR NET Chemical Science Mock Test Series

Candidates must keep the benefits of taking CSIR NET Chemical Science mock tests in their minds while buying the mock tests. These are very beneficial in boosting your score.
CSIR NET Chemical Science Revision Techniques

Candidates must revise the whole syllabus a lot of time before the exam. Before attempting the CSIR NET Chemical Science mock test, one has to revise the syllabus and the topic effectively so they can remember every point without fail. The CSIR NET Chemical Science Mock test series is the best revision tool to ensure this. The questions in the CSIR NET Chemical Science online test series are constructive in revisiting the topics.

Retention of Concepts

It is impossible to revise the whole syllabus regularly. Candidates can retain the essential concepts by attempting the CSIR NET Chemical Science online test series. By trying the theCSIR NET Chemical Science mock tests, you clear the concepts and understand the topics.

Constructive Time-Management

Candidates can revise the essential issues of the syllabus in a time-bound manner by regularly attempting CSIR NET Chemical Science mock tests. Practicing the mock test with time gives you a fair idea about the speed of the exam. Knowing how we can maximize the marks in a simulated trial is essential.

How to take the CSIR NET Chemical Science Mock Test?

If you are ready to get one CSIR NET chemistry mock test and boost your preparation, we have provided the step-by-step guide to get the test series. Candidates need to follow the steps given below:

  • Open the official website of BYJU'S Exam Prep
  • Click on the Test series tab
  • Select the 'NET' section
  • Select the CSIR NET Chemical Science Exam
  • The CSIR NET Mock Test series will appear
  • Make the one-time payment and have access to the CSIR NET Chemical Science mock test series

CSIR NET Chemical Science Syllabus2022

CSIR NET Chemical Science Syllabus has two parts. Part A is common to all the five branches, and part B is the subject-specific part. General Aptitude (PART A)

Graphical Analysis & Data InterpretationPie-Chart, graph, table, graphical evaluation: Line and bar chart, mode, median, mean, and measures of dispersion.
ReasoningPuzzles, Clock & calendar, series formation, Directions & distance, Ranking & arrangement, coding-decoding, etc.
Numerical AbilityGeometry, Time & Work, HCF & LCM average, Mensuration, Proportion & variation, Probability, Permutation & combinations, Sequence & Series, Compound interest, Simple interest, Mixture & Alligation, partnership, Trigonometry, Number & Simplification, Ratio, Time speed & distance, Profit & loss, Percentage, Quadratic equations, Logarithms, Surds & Indices, etc.

CSIR NET Chemical Science Syllabus

Inorganic Chemistry
  1. i) Concepts of acids and bases, Non-aqueous solvents, and Hard-Soft acid-base concept.
  2. ii) Organometallic compounds: bonding and structure, reactivity, and synthesis. Organometallics in homogeneous catalysis.
iii) Characterization of inorganic compounds by electron spectroscopy, microscopic techniques, Raman, IR, UV-vis, EPR, MS, NMR, Mössbauer, and NQR.
  1. iv) Bioinorganic chemistry: porphyrins, photosystems, electron-transfer reactions, oxygen transport, metalloenzymes, metal complexes in medicine, and nitrogen fixation.
  2. v) Nuclear chemistry: radio-analytical techniques, activation analysis, nuclear reactions, fission, and fusion.
  3. vi) Inner transition elements: redox chemistry, spectral and magnetic properties, and analytical applications.
vii) Chemical periodicity viii) Cages and metal clusters
  1. ix) Analytical chemistry – separation, electro, thermoanalytical, spectroscopic techniques.
  2. x) Transition elements and coordination compounds: spectral and magnetic properties, bonding theories, structure, and reaction mechanisms.
  3. xi) Structure and bonding in hetero- and homonuclear molecules, comprising shapes of molecules (VSEPR Theory).
xii) Main group elements and their compounds: industrial importance of the compounds, structure and bonding, synthesis, and allotropy.
Physical Chemistry
  1. i) Chemical applications of group theory; point groups; symmetry elements; selection rules; character tables.
  2. ii) Solid-state: Bragg's law and applications; band structure of solids; and Crystal structures.
iii) Polymer chemistry: kinetics of polymerization; and Molar masses.
  1. iv) Colloids and surfaces: isotherms and surface area; heterogeneous catalysis; and Stability and properties of colloids.
  2. v) Atomic structure and spectroscopy; term symbols; antisymmetry principle; and many-electron systems.
  3. vi) Data analysis: absolute and relative errors; covariance and correlation coefficient; Mean and standard deviation; and linear regression.
vii) Basic principles of quantum mechanics: Operator algebra; Postulates; tunneling; orbital and spin angular momenta; exactly solvable systems: the hydrogen atom comprising shapes of atomic orbitals; harmonic oscillator, and particle-in-a-box. viii) Chemical kinetics: Complex reactions; determination of reaction mechanisms; steady-state approximation; homogeneous catalysis; Empirical rate laws and temperature dependence; unimolecular reactions; enzyme kinetics; collision and transition state theories of rate constants; photochemical reactions; and salt effects.
  1. ix) Molecular spectroscopy: Basic principles of magnetic resonance; IR and Raman activities – selection rules; Electronic spectra; rotational and vibrational spectra of diatomic molecules.
  2. x) Approximate methods of quantum mechanics: Perturbation theory up to second order in energy; Variational principle; and its applications.
  3. xi) Elementary concepts of MO and VB theories; Huckel theory for conjugated π-electron systems; and Chemical bonding in diatomics.
xii) Electrochemistry: Ionic equilibria; DebyeHuckel theory; electrolytic conductance – Kohlrausch's law and its applications; conductometric and potentiometric titrations; Redox systems, Nernst equation, electrochemical cells.
Organic Chemistry
  1. i) Common named reactions and rearrangements – applications in organic synthesis.
  2. ii) Organic reactive intermediates: Generation, the reactivity of carbocations, stability, carbanions, nitrenes, carbenes, benzynes, and free radicals.
iii) Concepts in organic synthesis: Umpolung of reactivity, Retrosynthesis, disconnection, synthons, protecting groups, and linear and convergent synthesis.
  1. iv) Asymmetric synthesis: Resolution – optical and kinetic. Determination of enantiomeric and diastereomeric excess; Chiral auxiliaries, methods of asymmetric induction – substrate, reagent, and catalyst controlled reactions; enantio-discrimination.
  2. v) Synthesis and reactivity of common heterocyclic compounds containing one or two heteroatoms (O, N, S).
  3. vi) Principles of stereochemistry: Configurational and conformational isomerism in acyclic and cyclic compounds; asymmetric induction, stereoselectivity, enantioselectivity, stereogenicity, and diastereoselectivity.
vii) Structure determination of organic compounds by 1 H & 13C NMR, IR, UV-Vis, and Mass spectroscopic methods. viii) Chemistry of natural products: Proteins and peptides, carbohydrates, fatty acids, terpenes, steroids, alkaloids, and nucleic acids. Biogenesis of terpenoids and alkaloids.
  1. ix) IUPAC nomenclature of organic molecules including regio- and stereoisomers.
  2. x) Pericyclic reactions – cycloaddition, sigmatropic rearrangements, electrocyclization, and other concerted reactions. Organic chemistry's principles and applications of photochemical reactions.
  3. xi) Organic reaction mechanisms involving addition, elimination, and substitution reactions with nucleophilic, radical, or electrophilic species. Determination of reaction pathway.
xii) Organic transformations and reagents: Common catalysts and reagents (organic, inorganic, organometallic, and enzymatic); Chemo, regio, and stereoselective transformations; and Functional group interconversion including oxidations and reductions. xiii) Aromaticity: Generation and reactions of Benzenoid and non-benzenoid compounds.

CSIR NET Chemical Science Highlights

Have an overview of the CSIR NET Chemical Science exam in the table given below:

Name of the ExamCSIR NETChemical Science
Conducting BodyNational Testing Agency (NTA)
Purpose of ExamJunior Research Fellowship (JRF) and Lectureship (LR)
Mode of ExaminationComputer-Based Test (CBT)
Exam SectionsThree Parts – Part A, Part B, and Part C
Duration of Exam3 Hours
Medium of ExamEnglish and Hindi
Maximum Marks200
Negative markingMarks were deducted for every wrong answer

CSIR NET Chemical Science Exam Pattern2022

For adequate preparation, candidates should know the CSIR NET exam pattern for the Chemical Science exam, which is given below:

SectionPart APart BPart CTotal
Total Questions204060120
Maximum Number of Questions to Attempt15352575
Marks for each correct answer224200
Maximum Marks3070100200
Negative Marking0.50.51

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CSIR NET Chemical Science Test Series 2022: Free Online Mock Test FAQs
  • How can I unlock the CSIR NET Chemical Science Test Series from BYJU'S Exam Prep?

    For unlocking the CSIR NET Chemical Science Test Series, you need to adhere to the following steps:

    • Go to BYJU'S Exam Prep’s official website/App
    • Choose the option of ‘CSIR NET’ from the exam drop-down exam menu
    • After clicking on the tab ‘Unlock All Mock Tests, you will be redirected to the page of Test Series
    • Complete the process of transaction to unlock CSIR NET Chemical Science Test Series
  • I have not received the access to the CSIR NET Chemical Science Test Series that I have purchased?

    You can send an email to testseries@byjusexamprep.com with the details of the transaction. Our team will get in touch with you. Please send the email from the id which you used while transacting.

  • Can I pay through offline mode also?

    No, the only payment we accept is online.

  • How do I select the mode of payment while doing the transaction for CSIR NET Chemical Science test series?

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    When the transaction is done and we receive your payment, your tests will automatically get unlocked, and you'll receive an activation mail on your registered email ID.

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    Please email us the correct details at testseries@byjusexamprep.com. Our team will get in touch to rectify the errors.

  • How to cancel my CSIR NET Chemical Science Test Series and claim for the refund?

    In case you want to cancel the Test Series and claim the money back, then we would suggest you send the refund request to testseries@byjusexamprep.com. The refund will be done on your original payment mode and will be processed on a prorated basis. As per our refund policy, you can claim a refund within 7 days of purchase. The refund can be processed only in case of service not being provided by Byjus Exam Prep, for a maximum transaction amount proportioned to the unused percentage of the product.

  • Can I take the CSIR NET Chemical Science test offline also?

    There is no option available to take the CSIR NET Chemical Science Mock Test in offline mode.

  • Can I pause the test, save it and resume the test later?

    Yes, you can keep the test on pause, and resume it later whenever convenient.

  • Is CSIR NET Chemical Science Test Series by BYJU'S Exam Prep available in Hindi?

    If the exam is Bilingual, you will get the Test Series in both English and Hindi. Thus, the language of the Chemical Science Test Series depends on the exam. 

  • Can I reattempt the CSIR NET Chemical Science Test Series?

    No, the re-attempt test option is not available.

  • Can I take the CSIR NET Chemical Science test through my mobile phone also?

    Yes, you can take the test through both BYJU'S Exam Prep App and BYJU'S Exam Prep Website.

  • I am unable to see the Test Series for CSIR NET Chemical Science exam which I have purchased. What should I do now?

    Make sure that you landed on the right page. Visit the main page of Online Test Series.

    In case you are still not able to find the exam, please write to testseries@byjusexamprep.com

  • Does BYJU'S Exam Prep provide All India Rank (AIR) after the CSIR NET Test Series result is declared?

    Yes, BYJU'S Exam Prep provides the All India Rank (AIR) after you submit the test.

  • I have lost the internet connection during the Mock Test, what will happen now? Can I resume the test once the connection is back?

    Yes, you can continue the test once the internet connection is back, you don’t need to start the test from the beginning.

  • Does BYJU'S Exam Prep provide solutions to the CSIR NET Chemical Science Test Series after every test?

    Yes, you can check the complete explanation to every question available in the test once you submit the test.

  • Can I download my CSIR NET Chemical Science Test Series in PDF format?

    Kindly note that we’re not providing a copy option of our content, questions, and solutions in PDF or to download.

  • Are all CSIR NET Chemical Science Mock Tests active right at the start?

    Mock Tests are added as per the scheduled plan. Even before the purchase of the CSIR NET Chemical Science Test Series, you can see the release date of each Mock Test. Usually, one new exam is added every 2-3 days.

  • How can I check the validity of the purchased CSIR NET Chemical Science Test Series? Can it be changed on request?

    Please note that you can check the validity of the purchased CSIR NET Chemical Science Test Series on the purchased email sent to you. Also note that the expiry date of the Test Series is fixed, and it can’t be changed on request.

  • From where I can attempt weekly Live Test. When the result will be out?

    Please note that you can attempt the weekly Live Test from the link shared over the notification mail. Once the analysis of the result is completed by our team, the result will be shared with you over the mail. Also, note that the result link shared over the email will remain active for 2-3 days.

  • I had access to the CSIR NET Chemical Science Test Series, but it is showing ‘Buy Now’. What can I do?

    Please note that this may happen due to the following reasons:

    • This must be a cache problem in your device, in this case, we suggest you clear the cache of your device
    • You might have logged in and paid from a different email id.
Related LinksCSIR NET & SET

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