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Strength of material Marathon Quiz

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Question 1

A copper rod of circular section of diameter 20 mm is bend to the shape of a circular arc of radius 6 m. The modulus of elasticity of material is 117 GPa. What is the maximum tensile stress in the rod ____ MPa.

Question 2

Which one of the following types of stress-strain diagram (A, B, C, D) describes the behavior of rubber materials.

Question 3

The deflection of an elastic member at the point of application of a force in the direction of that force is given by the derivative of member's total strain energy taken with respect to applied force. This is known as _________.

Question 4

Which of the following statements is incorrect?

Question 5

Section modulus is the ratio of

Question 6

A stress-strain diagram of a material is shown in figure. First it is loaded upto point O ( = 0.04); then from point O there is unloaded upto point B. Given then modulus of elasticity E = 150 GPa

Calculate the plastic strain _________ × 10–2

Question 7

Volumetric strain for a spherical pressure vessel is given by

Question 8

Shear force in the beams can  be defined as

Question 9Multiple Correct Options

An I-section is subjected to shear force. The shear stress is

Question 10

A rectangular cross-section (width b, depth d) cantilever beam is subjected to concentrated load P at free end of the beam.

A beam is said to be uniform strength if variation of width is ___________ in nature, considering depth is constant throughout the beam.

Question 11Multiple Correct Options

In the arrangement as shown in the figure. The load acting at different point. The material has young’s modulus E = 150 GPa, P = 500 N

Given diameter of AB & CD 50 mm, diameter of BC is 80 mm.

Which of the following option is/are correct?

Question 12

A prismatic bar of diameter 60 mm, length 2 m and 4 N/mm3 weight per unit volume is shown in figure. The deformation of prismatic bar at section P–P’ is………..mm, If the young’s modulus of material is E = 90 GPa.

Question 13

A laminated wooden beam 120 mm wide and 150 mm deep is made up of three 50 mm × 120 mm planks glued together to resist longitudinal shear. The beam is simply supported over a span of 3 m, if the permissible shear stress in the glued joint is 0.8 MPa. The safe intensity of point concentrated load at mid-span of beam is (in kN)

Question 14Multiple Correct Options

T-cross section beams under transverse shear loads are subjected to

Question 15

A bar of diameter 25 mm is subjected to an axial load of 35 kN, bar has the stress-strain character shown in figure

The strain energy in the bar due to the axial load is ______ kJ/m3

Question 16

A circle of diameter 80 mm is inscribed on a steel plate before it is stressed. The stresses on the plate are shown in figure E = 90 GPa, = 0.25

The circle becomes on ellipse due to applied stresses. The major axis of the ellipse is…………mm.

Question 17

A thin spherical shell of diameter 1.5 m is subjected to an internal pressure of 25 × 104 kg/m2. Calculate the safe thickness (in cm) if the joint efficiency is 80% and the maximum stress is limited to 1500 kg/cm2 . (correct up to two decimal places).

Question 18

A circle of 100 mm diameter is inscribed on a steel plate before it is stressed and the state of load on two mutually perpendicular plane are σ1 = 400 MPa and σ2 = -200 GPa respectively. Then the circle is deformed into an ellipse. Determine the major and minor axes of the ellipse in mm. (Assume E = 200 GPa and μ = 0.3)

Question 19

A spherical vessel 1 m in diameter and 8 mm thick is filled with water under a pressure of 10 bar. The change in volume of the sphere in cubic centimeters is_____ .
(μ=0.25,E=200 GN/m2 and assume material remains elastic)

Question 20

An overhang beam with UDL with BMD (bending moment diagram), Find the value of 'a' (in m) corresponding to this BMD as shown in figure ? 

Question 21

A steel component is subjected to a biaxial state of stress in which both stresses are tensile in nature, and having magnitudes 100 and 60 MPa. The plane at which the resultant stress has maximum obliquity with the normal (in degrees) is __________

Question 22

A cantilever beam is subjected to uniform varying loading as shown in the figure below:

The resisting moment at end ‘O’ is . The value of k is

Question 23

A rectangular plate is in a state of plane strain it is subjected to uniform strain ,

The elongation in length AB is _____________ mm

Question 24

The strain gauge measurement of a steel plate indicate the principle strains are 0.003 and 0.001. What is the value of major principle stress in MPa? (E = 200 GPa, μ = 0.33)

Question 25

A beam of rectangular cross-section shown below is subjected to bending moment 10 kN-m causes tensile stress at the top fiber & compressive stress at the bottom fiber.

The tensile force in the hatched area will be _________ kN

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