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Network Theory : Nuclear Quiz 3
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Question 1
For the lattice circuit shown in Figure, Za = j2 and Zb = 2. The values of the open circuit impedance parameters

Question 2
In the following circuit, voltage v is:

Question 3
A parallel RLC circuit has R= 100 kΩ and half power frequencies of 101 Krad/sec and 99 Krad/sec. The values of L and C respectively are
Question 4
For the circuit shown in Figure, the time constant RC = 1ms. The input voltage is vi (t) =
sin103t. The output voltage v0(t) is equal to

Question 5
For the two-port network shown below, the short-circuit admittance parameter matrix is

Question 6
The equivalent of a two-port network in terms of open circuit impedance parameters is shown below
Another way of representing same network is
Question 7
If the transfer function of the following network is is
The value of the load resistance RL is

The value of the load resistance RL is
Question 8
Consider the 2-port network below:
Express A and D parameters in terms of impedances Za, Zb and Zc:

Express A and D parameters in terms of impedances Za, Zb and Zc:
Question 9
For the circuit shown, if the power consumed by 5Ω resistor is 10W, then:

2) Total impedance = 5Ω
3) Power factor = 0.866
Which of the above are correct?

2) Total impedance = 5Ω
3) Power factor = 0.866
Which of the above are correct?
Question 10
The h parameters of the circuit shown in figure are

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