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Multiplexing and Digital Coding Techniques I Starter Quiz
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Question 1
A signal is band limited to 7.2 KHz and three other signals are band-limited to 2.4 KHz each. The signals are to be transmitted by means of TDM. If each signal is sampled at, its Nyquist rate, find the speed of commutator in rpm.
Question 2
Three signals x1(t), x2(t), x3(t) are to be multiplicated and transmitted. x2(t), x1(t), x3(t) have band width 6 kHz. Each signal requires 4 bit for encoding. What is the minimum transmission bit rate of the system __________ kbps (up to one decimal point)
Question 3
A TDM link has 28 signal channels and each channel is sampled 4000 times/sec. Each sample is represented by six binary bits and contains two additional bits for synchronization. The total bit rate (in kbits/sec) for the TDM link is
Question 4
Twenty four voice signals are sampled uniformly at a rate of 8 KHz and then time division multiplexed. The sampling process uses flat top samples with 1 Hs. Duration. The multiplexing operation includes provision for synchronization by adding and extra pulse of 1 us duration. The spacing b/w successive pulses of the multiplexed signal is
Question 5
A 70 MHz carrier is QPSK modulated by a 1.544 Mbps T1 data stream, the transmitter employs a raised cosine filter with
, the transmitted bandwidth of signal is?

Question 6
Consider the two 8-phase signal constellation shown below. Assume that the magnitude of signal points is detected correctly.
Which signal constellation is more immune to phase errors ?
- 29 attempts