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Modulation Schemes and Decoding-IV Starter Quiz
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Question 1
In PSK system bit-1 represented with
, bit-0 represented with
bit duration
. Modulated signal affected by white noise of PSD 2×10-6 W/Hz. Probability of error, if bits are equiprobable and matched filter is used___

Question 2
Consider a 16 ary PSK system with symbol error probability PE = 10-5. A gray code is used for the symbol to assignment. The approximate bit error probability is --------- × 10-6
Question 3
The probability of bit error of a BFSK Modulation scheme, with transmitted signal energy per bit Eb, in an additive white gaussian noise channel having one-sided spectral density N0, is?
Question 4Multiple Correct Options
Binary data are transmitted over a microwave link at a Rate of 106 bps and PSD of the noise at the receiver input is 10–10 W/Hz for an average error of probability of Pe ≤ 10–4, Choose the correct option(s)
Take erfc–1(2 × 10–4) = 2.64 erfc–1(10–4) = 2.8
Question 5
A communication channel using coherent FSK has the noise power spectral density, N0 = 10-11 W/Hz; bit error probability, Pe = 10-5. If 28.8 kbps data are sent over the channel, what is the amplitude (in mV) of input waveform? [Assume Q(4.27) = 10-5]
Question 6
An FSK system transmits binary data at the rate of 2.5 × 106 bits/sec. During the course of transmission white Gaussian noise of zero mean & power spectral density of N0/2 =10–20 W/Hz is added to the signal. In the absence of noise, the amplitude of received sinusoidal wave for digit ‘1’ or ‘0’ is 1 μV. The average probability of symbol error for non-coherent binary FSK is _____ × 10-3
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