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ME Quiz Fluid Mechanics Fluid Properties

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Question 1

“Crude Oil” is an example of

Question 2

Which of the following expression is incorrect?

Question 3

What is the dynamic viscosity of a liquid having kinematic viscosity of 5 stokes and a specific gravity of 2.1.

Question 4

Which of the following option is not correct with related to viscosity?

Question 5

When the temperature of the gas is increased, the kinematic viscosity is

Question 6

Which of the following statement is/are incorrect?

1) Continuum implies a continuous distribution of matter with no voids or empty spaces. Concept of continuum does hold in case of rarified gas flows.

2) No slip condition occurs due to viscosity

Question 7

Find the ratio of weight density and relative density of 2 litres of a liquid that weighs 20 N. (Take g = 10 m/s2)

Question 8

Consider the following statements regarding ideal fluid

1) A fluid is said to be ideal if it is assumed to be both incompressible and non-viscous.

2) Bulk modulus of ideal fluid is finite

3) Ideal fluid sustains maximum surface tension

4) Ideal fluid is imaginary and do not exist in nature.

Which of the above statement is/are correct?

Question 9

The force in (newton) required to lift a thin wire ring of diameter 2 cm from a water surface of given surface tension at 21ºC is 2N/cm?

Question 10

Which one of the fluid upon mixing will results in increase in viscosity.
  • 121 attempts
Apr 5AE & JE Exams