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ME Quiz Engineering Mechanics Equilibrium of Forces

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Question 1

A roller of wight W is to be rolled over a wooden block as shown in the figure. The pull F required to just cause the said motion

Question 2

The forces which meet at one point and have their lines of action in different planes are called ______________.

Question 3

An elevator weighing 1000kg attains an upward velocity of 4 m/sec in two seconds with uniform acceleration. The tension in the supporting cables will be(g=10m/s2):-

Question 4

If the magnitude of the resultant of two forces of equal magnitude has the same magnitude has the same magnitude, the angle between them is

Question 5

Four forces P, 2P, 3P and 4P act along the sides taken along the sides of a square. The resultant force has the magnitude of

Question 6

When a body is subjected to two forces, the body will be in equilibrium if the two forces are:

Question 7

The moment of a force about any point is equal to the algebraic sum of moments of its components about that point’ is stated by:

Question 8

While running through a bend a bicycle remains stable due to _______.

Question 9

Which of the following is the category of forces acting on the legs of tripod stand?

Question 10

Two forces of magnitude 100N and 150N are acting on a body of mass 5kg. What is the maximum acceleration(in  )and the minimum acceleration

(in  ) the body is subjected to?

  • 81 attempts
Apr 4AE & JE Exams