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ME Quiz : Basic Concepts & Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics
Attempt now to get your rank among 107 students!
Question 1
Which of the following is not a property of a system?
Question 2
For an ideal gas, correct relation for enthalpy is
Question 3
Consider the following statements about reversible process:
1) It deliver the most and consume most work.
2) It is the process which can be reversed without leaving any trace of the system.
3) A reversible process involves no internal and external irreversibilities.
Which of these statements are correct?
Question 4
Which of the following statement is true?
Question 5
Energy in a thermodynamic system is a
Question 6
The amount of heat required to raise temperature of a substance by 1oC of unit mass is called as ___.
Question 7
An air filled toy containing an ideal gas is initially kept in an evacuated and insulated room. The balloon ruptures and the gas fills up the entire room. Which of the following is true at the end of the process.
Question 8
When heat is added to the system , it is taken as
Question 9
According to Boyle’s law, the change in pressure of a perfect gas, if it volume is decreased to half, will be
Question 10
In an isopiestic process, which of the following remains constant?
- 107 attempts
Apr 3AE & JE Exams