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Question 1
Which approach is more suitable for teaching at degree and diploma levels: -
Question 2
Which of the following is not an action verb?
Question 3
Which work saves the time and effort through omission of certain steps.
Question 4
In education and psychology which method is used to identify gifted children?
Question 5
The word ‘Curriculum’ is derived from:
Question 6
In which form, the elements of the set are enclosed in curly braces {} after separating them by commas.
Question 7
The A is said to be a proper subset of set B if:
Question 8
Arrange the following steps of cycle of learning and assessment in order :
I. Teaching-learning integrated with assessment
II. planning and organization of teaching-learning and assessment
III. Developing progress reports
IV. Reporting and communicating feedback of children’s learning and progress
I. Teaching-learning integrated with assessment
II. planning and organization of teaching-learning and assessment
III. Developing progress reports
IV. Reporting and communicating feedback of children’s learning and progress
Question 9
A child subtracted two numbers as shown below :
Which one of the following statements gives idea about the child’s learning of subtraction?

Which one of the following statements gives idea about the child’s learning of subtraction?
Question 10
Which one of the following statements is not true about concept maps?
- 1934 attempts
Jan 31CTET & State TET Exams