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Question 1
A number ‘a’ divide 1320 and 781 exactly. Given a ≠ 1, then the number ‘a’ is not a factor of ______.
Question 2
James is inside an aero plane flying at a height of 7000 meter above the sea which is below sea level at a level. At a particular point, it is exactly above a submarine depth of 1/6th the height of plane. What is the vertical distance between James and the submarine?
Question 3
_______ are related to growing plants.
Question 4
Two number x and y have HCF 13 and their product is 2535. Find the Number of such possible pairs
Question 5
The maximum number of children among whom 24 sweets and 16 chocolates can be distributed in such a way that each children’s gets same number of sweets and same number of chocolates, is:
Question 6
The LCM of two multiples of 14 is 1080. If one of the numbers is 135, the other number is:
Question 7
Let ‘m’ be the smallest number, which when added to 5000 makes the resulting number divisible by 24, 30, 36, 60 and 105. The sum of the digits of m is:
Question 8
(49)15 – 1 is completely divisible by which number?
i. 50
ii. 48
iii. 29
iv. 8
Question 9
Value of

Question 10
The HCF of

- 1057 attempts
May 24CTET & State TET Exams