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Question 1
Find the number of cubic units in:
Question 2
Find the volume of this solid:
Question 3
In which of the following, lengths have been arranged in decreasing order?
Question 4
The price list of vegetables in a super market is given as follows:

Sanjay buys kg tomatoes, 1 kg potatoes,
kg carrot, 250 g chillies and 6 lemons. He gives a note of Rs. 200 to the bill clerk at the counter. How much money will he get back?
Question 5
What time is 4 hours 59 minutes before 2 : 58 P.M.
Question 6
It was Wednesday on March 22, 2017. What was the day of the week March 22, 2020?
Question 7
Convert 4 hrs 45 min into minutes?
Question 8
Convert 6 days into minutes?
Question 9
The following time line shows some of the important dates in Sarah’s life:
Determine when Sarah was born:
Question 10
Jill has 120 cans to put in her supermarket display. It takes her 4 seconds to position each can. How many minutes will it take Jill to complete the Job?
- 939 attempts
May 10CTET & State TET Exams