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ISRO ME 2019: Material Science Booster Quiz 2
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Question 1
Which of the following process is used for producing bainite?
Question 2
While operating quenching process, the cracks are developed due to
Question 3
The lattice structure of zinc is __________.
Question 4
Engineering material is mostly ductile in nature. The decreasing order of ductility of basic crystalline structure of engineering material FCC, HCP and BCC
Question 5
Match List-I (Quenching media) with List-II (Structure produced) and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists:

Question 6
Jominy end-quench test is carried out to determine
Question 7
Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists:
[A]. Elasticity
[B]. Malleability
[C]. Ductility
[D]. Plasticity
[1]. Deform non elastically without fracture
[2]. Undergo plastic deformation under tensile load
[3]. Undergo plastic deformation under compressive load
[4]. Return to its original shape on unloading
[A]. Elasticity
[B]. Malleability
[C]. Ductility
[D]. Plasticity
[1]. Deform non elastically without fracture
[2]. Undergo plastic deformation under tensile load
[3]. Undergo plastic deformation under compressive load
[4]. Return to its original shape on unloading
Question 8
Match the List 1 and List 2
List 1 (Name of material)
P) Hypo-eutectoid steel
Q) Hyper-eutectoid steel
R) Hypo – eutectic cast iron
S) Hyper - eutectic cast iron
List 2 (% of carbon range)
1) 4 .3 – 6 .67
2) 2 .0 – 4 .3
3) 0 .8 – 2.0
4) 0 .008 – 0 .8
Correct match is?
Question 9
Which of the following materials when added improves the machining of copper?
Question 10
The structure of Fe3C in iron carbon diagram is
- 2407 attempts