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Kinetic of Rigid Bodies PYQ Achievers Practice II Quiz 18
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Question 1
The apparent weight of a man in moving lift is less than his real weight when it is going down with _________.
Question 2
When a small bug is splattered across a fast moving windshield, then
Question 3
The rate of change of linear momentum is equals to ________.
Question 4
A body weighing 1000 kg falls 8 cm and strikes a 500 kg/cm spring. The deformation of spring will be ____cm.
Question 5
A force of 100 N is applied to the centre of a circular disc, of mass 10 kg and radius 1 m, resting on a floor as shown in the figure. If the disc rolls without slipping on the floor, the linear acceleration (in m/s2) of the centre of the disc is __________ (correct to two decimal places).
Question 6
Let θ denote the angular displacement of a simple pendulum oscillating in a vertical plane. If the mass of the bob is m. The tension in the string is mg cos θ -
Question 7
An object of mass 3 kg is at rest. If a force
is applied on the object, then the velocity of the object at t = 3s is:

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