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ISRO 2023 Quiz 33
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Question 1
A periodic function of period 2sec is possessing half-wave symmetry is shown in the figure, for 1≤ to ≤ 2. The Fourier series for this function contains
Question 2
is of finite duration and is absolutely integrable, then the ‘region of convergence’ is

Question 3
Consider a system with transfer function
The step response of the system is given by

The step response of the system is given by
Question 4
The unit impulse response of system is
The step response of the same system for
where A, B and C are respectively

Question 5
Consider the following equations of straight lines:
Line L1: 2x – 3y = 5
Line L2: 3x + 2y = 8
Line L3: 4x – 6y = 5
Line L4: 6x – 9y = 6
Which one among the following is the correct statement?
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