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Question 1
In which of the following sentence is the subject of verb a feminine gender noun?
Question 2
निर्देश - दिए गए शब्द का विलोम चुनें।
Question 3
Prachi can finish a 20% of a work in 5 days. Madhuri is
times efficient as Prachi and Teena is 2 times as efficient as Madhuri. In how many days work will be finished if they do the work together?

Question 4
In a certain code language, ‘CONTACT’ is written as ‘NOCTTCA’. What will be the code for ‘GRADEUP’ in that code language?
Question 5
Which of the following Vedas dealt with music?
Question 6
If the power of the lens is 5D, what will be the focal length of the lens?
Question 7
Which Indian personality was given knighthood by the British monarch but he returned it after the Jallianwala massacre?
Question 8
Choose the correct statement:
Question 9
मुहावरों को उनके अर्थों के साथ जोडिए।

Question 10
Find Radhika present age, if the present age of Pragya and Radhika are in the ratio 5: 3. Five year from now, their age will be in the ratio 10: 7
- 1384 attempts
Apr 30PRT, TGT & PGT Exams