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Question 1
Inputs: A, B, C
Output: Y
The output is high only when a majority of the inputs is high. Which one of the following is the correct relation between inputs and output?
Question 2
f(A,B,C,D) = M( 1 , 5 , 7 , 10 , 12 , 13 , 15 )
Question 3
Question 4
Sum of minimum hamming distance and maximum hamming distance is _____.
Question 5
Question 6

How many states the sequential circuit has?
Question 7
Department (Name, Number, Location, MGRSSN)
Employee (Name, SSN, Sex, Address, Salary, Department, Supervisor)
Dependent (ESSN, Dependent, Name, Sex)
The query on the above schema is:
A(SSN) ← πMGRSSN (Department)
B(SSN) ← πESSN (Department)
C ← A – B
Result ← πnama (employee ⋈ C)
Assume that relations corresponding to the above schema are not empty. Which one of the following is the correct interpretation of the above query?
Question 8
R1(P Q R) and R2 (P, S, T)
R1 has 500 records and R2 has 800 records. The non-Null attribute ‘P’ in R2 is referencing attribute ‘P’ in R1. The maximum number of records present in R1⋈ R2are ________.
Question 9
S:R2(A), W1(B), W1(C), R3(B) R2(B) R1(A)C1 R2(C)C2 W3(A)C3
Which of the following is correct about above schedule?
Question 10
I. All leaf nodes are at the same level.
II. The root node has almost 2 tree pointers.
III. Every leaf node contains a pointer to its next node if it is present.
IV. Only random access is allowed.
The number of statements which are correct for B-Tree but not for B+ Tree are:
Question 11
S1: B-Tree is suitable for the database where 90% of the query needed to access the sequential records.
S2: B-Tree is preferred over AVL trees for making index file due to list cost of accessing.
Which of the following is true?
Question 12
- 170 attempts
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GATE & PSU CSGeneral