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Question 1

How many separate address and data lines are needed for a memory of 8K × 16?

Question 2

If A + B = and A - B =

Find the determinant of AB.

Question 3

Consider the hypothetical processor in which application program refers to integer and floating-point units during the execution. Floating point unit is enhanced then it runs three times faster but only 20% instruction are floating-point instruction in the program. What is the overall speedup?(upto 3 decimal point)

Question 4

If the Base register contains 8080 value and Address field of an instruction contains -42, then what is the branch address when the instruction is designed with based register Addressing mode.

Question 5

Consider the two processors P1 and P2 with intermediate register gateway is 0.

P1 : Has four stage pipeline with stage latency 1.5 nsec, 2 nsec, 1 nsec and 0.5 nsec.

P2 : Has five stage pipeline with stage latency 1 nsec, 2.5 nsec, 1.5 nsec, 2 nsec and 1 nsec.

If each processor has infinite number of instruction to execute, then which of the following is true?

Question 6

Identity matrix is ____

Question 7

The main advantage of Static RAM over Dynamic RAM is

Question 8

The instruction pipeline of RISC processor has 200 instructions in which 100 are performing addition, 25 performing division and 75 are performing multiplications, where Execution state for addition take 1 clock cycle, multiplication take 3 clock cycles and division take 5 clock cycles. Assume pipeline has 5 stages IF, ID, EX, MA and WB and there is no data and control hazard. The number of clock cycles required for execution of sequence of instructions are ________.

Question 9

A total of 2n people, consisting of n married couples, are randomly divided into n pairs. After dividing them into pairs, arbitrarily numbering of the women is done. Let Wi denote the event that woman i is paired with her husband. What is the value of [150* P (Wi/ Wj)], if value of n=100 and P (Wi/ Wj) represent the conditional probability?

Question 10

Identify the number of correct statements:

a) Stall cycle arises due to uneven clock cycles needed by each stage for instructions.

b) A solution for data dependency problem is operand forwarding

c) A solution for data dependency problem is register renaming.

d) We can use “Pre-fetch Target Instruction” mechanism for solving Resource Conflict Problem.

Question 11

A packet of 20 batteries is known to include 4 batteries that are defective. If 8 batteries are randomly chosen and tested, the probability of finding among them not more than 1 defective battery is

Question 12

For the function f(x) = xex, the
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