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GATE EC 2022: Signals & Systems Quiz 3

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Question 1

The result of the convolution x(–t) * δ (–t – t0) is

Question 2

If x(n) = {1, 2, 0, 1} and h(n) = {2, 3, 4, 1} then calculate x(n) * h(n).

Question 3

Let x(t) be a continuous time signal. Signal x(t) is applied as input to a system whose impulse response is. The output of the system is, then the value of att = 2 is ______.

Question 4

The waveform of a periodic signal x(t) is shown below

A new signal y(t)= x{(t-78)/11}, then the power of y(t) is….

Question 5

Let y[n] denote the convolution of h[n] and g[n], where h[n] = (1/2)n u[n]  and g[n] is a causal sequence. If y[0] =1 and y [1] = ½, then g[1] equals

Question 6

A signal m(t) with bandwidth 500 Hz is first multiplied by a signal g(t) where

The resulting signal is then passed through an ideal lowpass filter with bandwidth 1 kHz. The output of the lowpass filter would be:

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