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GATE EC 2022 : Networks Quiz 5
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Question 1
For the circuit shown in Figure, the time constant RC = 1ms. The input voltage is vi (t) =
sin103t. The output voltage v0(t) is equal to

Question 2
A network has a transfer function
If the current i(t) is a unity step function, the steady-state value of v(t) is given by

If the current i(t) is a unity step function, the steady-state value of v(t) is given by
Question 3
The time domain behavior of an RL circuit is represented by
For an initial current of
, the steady state value of the current is given by

For an initial current of

Question 4
Value of voltage V0 in given circuit is _________
Question 5
In the following circuit the switch is closed at t = 0 with the capacitor uncharged. The value of dic(t)/dt and d2ic(t)/dt2 at t = 0+ is
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