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GATE EC 2022: Communication System Quiz 6
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Question 1
A system has receiver noise resistance of 50Ω and if it is connected to an antenna with an output resistance of 50Ω ,then the noise figure of the system is
Question 2
If receiver has an available power gain of 110 dB and a noise bandwidth of 100 MHz, the available output noise power of receiver is (T= 300 oK)
Question 3
The AM signal gets added to a noise with Power Spectral Density Sn(f) given in the figure below. The ratio of average sideband power to mean noise power would be:

Question 4
A satellite receiver with noise figure of 5.6 dB has a bandwidth of 16 kHz and consist of a preamplifier with noise temperature 147 K and a gain of 30 dB. If the reference temperature is 297 K the equivalent noise temperature of the receiver is
Question 5
In a delta modulation technique(Single integration), sampling of voice is done at 60Khz. If the maximum signal amplitude is 1volt, and signal bandwidth of voice is 3 kHz, then determine signal to noise ratio assuming the input signal to be sinusoidal in nature.
Question 6
Following are the data given for an amplifier
Noise figure = 4dB
Bandwidth = 500 kHz
Input resistance = 50 W
If the amplifier is connected to a signal source of 50W at 290 K, then the input signal voltage needed to yield an output SNR = 1 is ______________
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