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GATE EC 2022: Communication System Quiz 10
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Question 1
A speech signal, band limited to 5 KHz with peak to peak between +10 V to – 10 V and the signal is sampled at Nyquist rate and the bits 0 and 1 are transmitted using bipolar pulses. What is minimum bandwidth for distortion free transmission …. (in KHz)
Question 2
Let Q(√Y) be the BER of a BPSK system over an AWGN channel with two-sided noise power spectral density N0/2. The parameter γ is a function of bit energy and noise power spectral density.
A system with two independent and identical AWGN channels with noise power spectral density is shown in the figure. The BPSK demodulator receives the sum of outputs of both the channels.
If the BER of this system is Q(b√γ), then the value of b is _____.

A system with two independent and identical AWGN channels with noise power spectral density is shown in the figure. The BPSK demodulator receives the sum of outputs of both the channels.
If the BER of this system is Q(b√γ), then the value of b is _____.

Question 3
SNR of a telephone line is 40 dB. In order to carry 256 kbps data, the minimum bandwidth required is ________ kHz.
Question 4
A memory less source emits n symbols each with a probability p. The entropy of the source as a function of n
Question 5
A communication system operates in an AWGN channel and employs BPSK modulation. Find average BER if Eb / No = 9 where Eb is signal energy per bit and No is noise power density and erf(3) = 0.99997
Question 6
A source has 512 symbols which have equal probability and all symbols transmitted independently. Find maximum rate (in symbols/sec) such that the error probability is low during transmitting symbols. The channel is AWGN and has bandwidth of 6 KHz and SNR of 63.
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