GATE CS 2022 : Compiler design Quiz -2
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Question 1
Question 2
Question 3
Question 4

The lex, yy, c consists of a ________
Question 5
1) Dynamic memory allocation is performed during runtime.
2) Type checking is performed at compile time
3) Inline expansion is performed during compile time
4) Symbol table management is performed during compile time
Question 6
* Identifier typed wrong
* Unbalanced parenthesis
* Semi - colon missing
* Multiple declarations of same variable
* Undeclared Variable
* Values not compatible with format
Let the errors that are reported by Lexical Analyzer be denoted by 'a'
and the errors that are reported by Syntax Analyzer be denoted by 'b'
and the errors that are reported by Symantic Analyzer be denoted by 'c'
Then find the value of (a+b-c) ____________
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