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GATE (CE) 2022 : Strength Of Materials Quiz #6
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Question 1
When two mutually perpendicular principal stresses are unequal but alike the maximum shear stress is represented by
Question 2
If the principal stresses and the maximum shear stress are of equal magnitude in a Mohr’s Circle, the state of stress can be termed as
Question 3
At a point in 2D stress system σx = 130 N/mm2, σy = τxy= 40 N/mm2. What is the radius of the Mohr circle for stress drawn with a scale of 1 cm = 10 N/mm2
Question 4
The equation of Mohr circle is given by (σ – 4)2 + τ2 = 9, where σ is the normal stress and τ is the shear stress. The major principal stress is?
Question 5
The figure shows the state of stress at a certain point in a stressed body. The magnitudes of normal stresses in the x and y direction are 100 MPa and -20MPa respectively. The radius of Mohr’s stress circle representing this state of stress is

Question 6
The state of stress is showing as a particular point in a stressed body. The diameter of the Mohr’s circle for this state of stress is.

- 421 attempts