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Question 1
Strain hardening of structural steel means
Question 2Multiple Correct Options
Which of the following statement(s) is/are correct?
Question 3
The readings obtained from strain rossetes are as follows
ϵ1 = 420μ ϵ2 = -45μ ϵ4 = 165μ
What is the value of maximum in plane shearing strain in microns.
Question 4
If (80,20) and (60,40) N/mm2 are any two point on Mohr circle, then calculate the maximum shearing stress in N/mm2. (round off to two decimal places)
Question 5
A hollow alloy tube 5m long with diameters 40 mm (outer) and 25 mm (inner) was found to extend 6.4 mm under a tensile load of 60 kN. The column has pinned ends. The factor of safety is 4 . The safe load on column based on Euler’s theory is -
Question 6
A two-span continuous beam ABC is simply supported at ‘A’ and ‘C’ and is continuous over support ‘B’. Span AB = 6 m. BC = 8 m. The beam carries a UDL of 2 t/m over both spans. EI is constant for the entire beam. The fixed end moment at ‘B’ is span BA or BC would be ___ (one decimal digit) tonnes.
Question 7
The stress tensor at a point is given as

The diameter of Mohr’s circle is____N/mm2.
Question 8
A circular shaft of diameter D is subjected to a torque T. The maximum shear stress of the shaft will be
Question 9
A helical spring, with small slope of helix, is supposed to transmit a maximum pull of 2 kN and to extend 10 mm for 400 N load. If the mean diameter of the coil is 100 mm, G is 80 GPa and allowable shear stress is 100 MPa then the required number of coils are
Question 10
The loading diagram and bending moment of a beam are shown in the following figure.
The shear-force at ‘B’ would be ……. kN. (Round off to two decimal places)
Question 11
The data obtained from a rectangular strain gauge rosette attached to a stressed steel member are.
ε0 = – 220 × 10–6, ε45 = 160 × 10–6 and ε90° = +220 ×10–6
If modulus of elasticity of material is 2 × 105 MPa and poison’s ratio is 0.3, then the magnitude of principal strain is …………. ×10–6 (Round off to 2 decimal places)
Question 12
A simply supported beam of span 10 m carries a udl of 1152 N/m over the entire span. The beam is propped at the middle of the span. Then the amount, by which the prop should yield (in mm), in order to make all the three reactions equal will be_____mm. (Round off to one decimal place) (Take E = 2 × 105N/mm2 and ‘I’ for beam = 108 mm4)
Question 13
Direct stresses of 120MPa(T) and 90 MPa(C) exist on two perpendicular planes at certain point in a body.They are also accompanied by shear stress on the planes.The greater principal stress at the point due to these is 150 MPa. The shear stress on these planes is equal to ……….MPa
Question 14
A steel specimen of 10 mm diameter extends by 0.05 mm over a gauge length of 140 mm when subjected to an axial load of 8 kN. If the same specimen undergoes a twist of 0.4
on a length of 140 mm over a twisting moment of 5 N-m, than the values of elastic constant G and

Question 15
The value of the slope at support ‘B’ for the continuous beam as shown below is
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