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GATE 2025 Power Systems Foundation Quiz 50
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Question 1
Two power plants are connected by a transmission line. The entire load is connected at plant Plant 1 is supplying 150 MW of power and a transmission loss of 10 MW. The incremental fuel cost of plant 2 is
For minimum value of total fuel cost, the generated power at plant 2 in MW is
Question 2
Two plants generate power as given below
. If the loss coefficients of the two plants are given as
, the power lost will be ………………

Question 3
A power system consisting of 2 generating plants G1 and G2. The incremental cost fuel cost in Rs/MWh is
For minimum cost of generation for total load of 700 MW is What will be the Values of P1 and P2?
Question 4
Incremental fuel cost in Rs/MWh for a plant consisting two generating units G1 and G2 is
Where, P1 and P2 are the generation in MW of G1 and G2 respectively. If system is operating at economic dispatch with P1 = P2 = 180 MW and where, PL is the transmission loss, then the penalty factor of G1 will be__________?
Question 5
In a simple two unit system, the loss coefficients are
. The incremental cost of two units is:
The power generations of
(Lagrange Multiplier) is_____?

The power generations of

- 21 attempts