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GATE 2025 Power Systems Foundation Quiz 42
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Question 1
Consider a step voltage wave of magnitude 1p.u travelling along a lossless transmission line that terminates in a reactor. The voltage magnitude across the reactor at the instant the travelling wave reaches the reactor is

Question 2
The time take by a surge to travel to the end of 1200 km long overhead transmission line is ______?
Question 3
Which of the following is the nature of surge impedance in a transmission line?
Question 4
The generalised circuit constants of a 121 kV line are –
A = D= 0.96 ∠0.5°
B = 80.0 ∠75° Ω
C = 4 × 10-3 ∠ 90° mho
What is surge impedance |Zs| of line is?
Question 5
If a line of surge impedance Z0 is terminated in an impedance Z then the reflection for current and voltage surges at the termination are given respectively by
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