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GATE 2025 || Industrial Engineering || Foundation Quiz 20
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Question 1
The attitude of customer who keeps on changing queue in hope to get service faster is called __________.
Question 2
The Kendall notation (a/b/c∷d/e/f) is used for the queuing system. In this notation ‘’e’’ stands for:
Question 3
In a saloon customers arrive at the rate of 4 per hour and the time taken to serve a customer is 10 minutes. What is the waiting time of a customer before he is being served.
Question 4
If cars arrived at a rate of 10/hour while service rate is 15 per hour for M/M/1:
/FCFS model, the utilization percentage of this system is __________.

Question 5
In a single server queuing system with arrival rate of ‘λ’ and mean service time of ‘μ’ the expected number of customers in the system is
What is the expected waiting time per customer in the system ________?

- 47 attempts