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GATE 2025 Discrete Mathematics Foundation Quiz 30
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Question 1
Which of the following statement is correct?
S1 : In simple connected undirected graph no two vertices are of same degree.
S2 : In 3 regular graph with n vertices, the maximum vertex connectivity of a graph is 3
S1 : In simple connected undirected graph no two vertices are of same degree.
S2 : In 3 regular graph with n vertices, the maximum vertex connectivity of a graph is 3
Question 2
A graph with n vertices and n-1 edges that is not a tree, is?
Question 3
Consider the graph below:
What is the chromatic number of G?
Question 4
Assumed undirected graph G is connected. G has 6-vertices and 10 edges. Find the minimum number of edges whose deletion from graph G is always guarantee that it will become disconnected?
Question 5
An undirected graph possesses an eulerian circuit if and only if it is connected and its vertices are?
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